Yesterday I went over to the London Wetland Centre. The sky was blue and the sun was warm, the birds - far too far away for pictures despite the lovely light.
Managed to see the Bittern again and a second one came in during the afternoon in a different spot. Also saw about 12 Snipe from the Peacock tower, of which 5 were Jack Snipe (so I was reliably told). A small group of Long-tailed Tits flew through.
On my way back to the visitor centre, a Magpie posed in the sun showing its blue tail feathers.
But more excitingly I heard calling in one of the small ponds alongside the path on the way to the visitor centre. A Water Rail - he was virtually hidden by the reeds but great to see it!
A bit of colour in the sunshine.
Today was a different story. I wanted to go out but had a very lazy start to the morning watching the garden birds.
My count was:
(this was the maximum for each species seen at the same time i.e. BTO count style)
20+ Feral Pigeons
15 Ring-necked Parakeets
1 x Coal Tit
3 x Blue Tits
3 x Great Tits
6 x Goldfinches
3 x Chaffinches
1 x Starling
3 x Greenfinches
1 x Robin
1 x Dunnock
1 x Crow (Rare visitor into the garden)
2 x Nuthatches - thrilled to see those two!!
Went for a wander around Painshill Park. The sky was leaden and this didn't change all the time I was there. So although there are some picture of Autumn colours they are - shall we say - somewhat subdued!!
Is it spring? Some catkins on the way in!
There were two Egyptian Geese up in this tree.
I love this tree stump!
Nuthatches calling as I wandered about and a flock of about 12 Long-tailed tits flew through. Greylag geese and heard a Green Woodpecker calling.
Pity about the grey - but it was good to get out and have some fresh air.
Twinkle toes
17 hours ago
Beautiful photos. I particularly enjoy your scenic shots - so different from anything out here. Sorry about your gray day but really you can't expect lovely blue days all the time - you need to share some with us down here :-)
The gray skies made for a very subtle beauty, peaceful in your landscape photos, Tricia. Well done.
Fabulous photos. That tree stump is magical.
Nice varied selection of garden visitors Tricia, far more than I've seen all day. Lovely series of autumnal reflections from Painshill despite the 'grey' conditions. FAB.
Impressive garden list Tricia.
Cracking shots of the autumn colour.
The Wetland Centre sounds a good place to visit. Only ever seen Water Rail once; but never a Jack Snipe. Well done with the Bittern too.
Hola Tricia,
That looks like a lovely walk. I've never seen a Magpie.
A great garden count Tricia! Glad you were able to get out, I do hate the grey days such as we have here today!
Well I have never knowingly seen Water Rail, Bittern or Snipe, I must try harder!
Beautiful photos throughout despite the lack of sunshine.
Lovely to see the Fly Agaric, it just needed a fairy sat on it! ;)
your garden was pretty lively tricia.
Bittern and water rail on the same day - can't be bad.
Lovely set of photos. The Magpie was just at the right angle in the light to show the green which seems to be more difficult to capture on film.
Hi Tricia,
Well you got an impressive list of visitors, and you got nice shots in this message. I can see trees still have leaves on their branches which is not the case here anymore.... I'm all the time laughing a lot when you show us these Egyptian geese in the tree! I guess they believe they are woodduck!
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