I seem to have become a bit out of step with my posts in that I'm posting a day after the event!! This post relates to yesterday (Tuesday); I will get back into step ere very long - I hope!
I was in a birding frame of mind and, remembering a bird walk I joined at RHS Wisley in December a couple of years ago, I though I'd follow this up and see if any Redwings and Fieldfares were around the Fruit Fields. Well - if they were I dipped!!
There's another
Bird Walk (with David Elliott and Frank Boxell) on 7 December this year - BUT I'm too late - they're sold out! One of the attractions of this bird walk is that both David and Frank know where the likely suspects are to be found, and they are both very knowledgeable. Another advantage being - you're in the gardens before normal opening time!
However, I spent a goodly time at one of the very large feeders that are around some parts of the gardens. At this one, the visitors were:
Blue Tits
Great Tits
Coal Tits
Nutchatch and Blue Tit

Blue Tits

(Male) Chaffinch

Coal Tit

Blue tit

Coal Tit

After a walk through the Arboretum which produced a small flock of Long-tailed Tits and, I'm not too certain, what sounded like a Goldcrest. Much evidence that the moles were still about - last time I visited, the mole was very active in that I saw the earth moving!!
Back around the gardens, and a further visit to another feeder.
Jay which had been very noisy and evident, dropped in for tea...

This time, although there were Goldfinches and Blue Tits around they were staying in the tree. Why? I imagine the
Male Sparrowhawk may have had something to do with their wariness.
Hello, thought I, what's this I see - I couldn't see too much detail as I was looking against the sun!

He was perched high up in a (birch?) tree and totally uninterested in the birds behind him. And there he sat - I was there watching him for a good 10 minutes and I was the first to leave! He must have been "fed up" as he was totally uninterested in the birds around him!
On the way back home, I stopped at West End to see if there was anything of interest on Prince of Wales pond.
Just the usual culprits - Coots, Black-headed Gulls, Mallards and two adult Mute Swans with one Cygnet. I'm assuming that this is the pair that bred in the spring. Last sighting I had was of three cygnets but only one was in evidence today. They are, I'm reasonably certain, too big now to have been predated - but, who knows? I'm hoping they've just left for elsewhere.
With the sun now getting lower, it highlighted the water droplets on the swans.

It was at this point that my camera "froze" again! I had the normal evidence (both visual and audible) that the camera had focused -
Pressed the shutter button - zilch!
Re composed the shot - same thing.
Switched camera off and on again - no change.
- ditto -
Switched off and removed and replaced CF card - no change!
Then I got the dreaded "error 99" message.
Removed and replaced battery - normal service resumed.
I've been yearning for a Canon 50D (or possibly a 40D)as a second camera (I'm changing the lens between 100-400 and landscape so often!) for some weeks now - my credit card keeps fluttering its eyes at me. Get thee behind me........