Last week was warm but pleasantly so and although quiet in terms of birds, the deer were about and evident.
This Red Deer stag was looking very elegant albeit a little haughty!

But the attraction of water was too much to resist..

The Fallow Deer are getting a bit too tame now. They are going up to people with bread and literally taking it out of their hands!
But, when it's warm and you need a drink - just get in the water!

I was surprised to see this little one who was one of three Egyptian Geese Goslings - very young ones

In the warmth the insects were having a field day, but this Red Crested Pochard was seeminly unfazed by them all..

And jumping forward - last night we had a major thunder storm at 2.30 a.m. - very dramatic and noisy with torrential rain for some minutes.
I awoke this morning to very grey and dull skies and the humidity level almost unbearable. However, this one of three young Robins was working out how to use one of the feeders

After a very domestic day (groan!!) I had a quick trip to Bushy Park late in the afternoon. Last week when I visited I was saddened to see one of the eight Mute Swan cygnets in some distress. It had been in the same place for about half-an-hour and although it was having the occasional preen of the same wing, there was very little movement.
One of the fishermen was going to notify the Park Warden and ask for assistance for the Cygnet. The wee thing didn't look at all good and despite taking a picture, I couldn't post it!
So today I was keen to see the others - and yes, sadly only seven were there. But they were "doing very nicely thank you" and losing their "cute" very young look - now looking more like young teenagers!

As usual, bread was being thrown into the water and they weren't hesitating to eat it

Dad had a neck stretch..

A few Black-headed gulls were around - very little else (apart from Coots and Mallards) was!

The three young Egyptian Geese were dozing with a parent in the late afternoon sun.

As I was leaving, this young Jackdaw started begging and crying for food..

despite moving very much closer, it's parent was not going to feed it. Perhaps now is the time to learn how to find your own meal....

And the sun is now shining in the early evening, the air is fresher and the temperature - thank goodness and all deities - is much lower - life goes on as normal.
(And I'm starving so must get some dinner!)
(Oh - and Britain's hope for getting to the semi-final (let alone the final) of Wimbledon - has now been dashed. Never mind - there's always next year!)
I am always amazed at the variety of animals and birds in the parks that you visit. Are the deer kept within "deer-proof" fences?
lovely deer shots
I forgot to include the Jackdaw Images, they looked stunning.
Mick - Bushy and Richmond Parks are Royal parks. Henry VIII used to hunt in Bushy Park which is only separated from Hampton Court Palace by a main road (these days!) And, he used to hunt deer.
Within each of the parks, are (comparatively) small areas of more formal gardens and these are fenced with the intention of keeping out the deer and thus avoiding damage to plants/flowers etc. (although there is one Red Deer hind who's managed to find her way into the (enclosed) Woodland Gardens)
Both parks have (suitable) perimeter fences to keep the deer in the parks. Having said that, they are free to go anywhere (within the park) they wish. There are roads through both parks so motorists need to drive with care and, in the main, they do - thankfully!
Pete - thanks!
John - thanks for the comment on the jackdaws! Did I miss something?
Cracking pictures again Tricia, and that Red Deer stag is quality!
The last Jackdaw shot is a belter too. Love the expression on the adults face lol
Amazing captures and the stag stands out!!
I think haughty is exactly the right description for the lovely stag photo and the parent Jackdaw stonewalling the youngster is very funny!
Sorry Tricia,my first comment said how i loved your Deer Images.
Hi Tricia,
Great posting here, I loved to see the juvenile Robin. Really nice deer photos too.
Keith - Thank you. He was rather a handsome chappie and the jackdaws just played to the camera!
NatureStop - many thanks - a majestic beast!
Jan - Thank you - the parent's expression said it all I thought!
John - thanks for the missing bit of the jigsaw and your kind comment.
Joe - it was lovely to see the young robins visiting the garden. They had nested locally but not in my garden.
Hi Tricia, Thanks for explaining about the parks you visit and photograph. That's a very interesting historical background - and great that they continue into our time. Especially interesting that they are in the middle of such an urban (don't know if that is quite the right word??) area.
How lovely to be able to watch and photo the deer. Great stuff.
The Jackdaw is like the Magpie here. The kids can flap and call as much as they like but they have to find their own food now.
Mick - You're welcome. Nearly right with the urban. Hampton Court and Bushy Park are, what I would consider to be, suburban areas in that they are well popululated areas near the city of London - probably abut 13 miles outside of London. Richmond would be a little nearer.
John - they are interesting to watch and I'm lucky to be so close to them.
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