I was on my knees clearing blanket weed from the pond today, when I espied this very newly emerged dragonfly. Now I'm going to stick my neck out and say it's a Common Darter? No doubt I shall have to retract my neck rather rapdily if it's not!
It always fascinate me when dragons turn their heads around in order to wipe their "faces" with their front legs!

Hi Tricia, think its a Common Darter just emerged from the shape of its wings and the way it is adjusting its head!
Great post as usual
Looks like C. Darter Tricia.
Did its wings ''plump'' out ok? They look a bit damaged
Great series of shots of your garden dragon Tricia.
Hello Tricia,
It seems that the dragonfly was very patient with you taking all the photos. :-)
I like the structure of its wings although they look sort of wrinkled, is it a sign of the dragonfly beeing emerged newly?
Excellent facial close ups of the dragon Tricia.
Bill - thanks! and thank you for the ID confirmation.
Warren - thank to you too. I was a bit concerned about the wings. It was very newly emerged and at one time (after a gust of wind) was knocked back into the pond. I rescued it on a large leaf and it recovered well. It disappeared (several minutes later) whilst I was fiddling with the camera - it was on dry land at that time - so I'm just hoping its wings were OK!
John - Thank you.
Petra - Yes it was patient but it was waiting for it's wings to unfurl and dry in the sun before it could fly.
And yes, the "wrinkling" of the wings is because it's just emerged from its exuvia (sort of case).
Frank - thank you too! I was lying full length on the grass at the edge of the pond to get some of those - hadn't realised the ground was quite damp until I stood up!!
Superb shots Tricia, and a great moment to capture.
Fantastic detail in the eye, on third from bottom when enlarged.
Did you use a macro lens?
Thank you Keith.
Yes - I've got the Tamron 90mm 1:2.8 Macro 1:1 (prime) lens. It's good if the subject and photographer are very still unless the light is really really good!
I hand-held the camera as I had a different tripod mount on the camera and didn't want to waste time changing it! The sun was shining a bit!
I'd go for something different if I was buying again (ie 150mm and a zoom lens) as you need to be very close to the subject and not all subjects like the photographer that close!!
Wow, great pictures Tricia. I haven't seen a dragon yet this year. Still have an eye out though.
Hi Tricia.....beautiful captures of the dragon....in fact I will go so far as to say the best I have seen of recent times....
For me a pleasure to view......
Have no idea how to ID these things but all I can post is WOW and double WOW on the shots, you can almost see his teeth!!!!!
Lovely dragon photos Tricia, you were well rewarded for your pond work.
Awesome shots Tricia. Great capture on the dragonfly "whiskers"
I think you can keep your neck stuck out Tricia. {:)
Great captures and details!!
OC - Thank you. I expect your will be around soon and there when ours have gone!
Cheryl - thank you for your very kind comments!
Jayne - I've got a book - but sometimes I'm completely stumped!!
Jan - Indeed I was - and I even finished the clearing out after I took the pictures!
Janine - many thanks - they're strange looking creatures when you see them that size!
Roy - Yes - feel safe about that now :)
NatureStop - thank you :)
just gone a very strange verdant colour, and out of the garden pond.
Yes it's a common, my favourite dragons
Hi ST - sorry to hear about your "new" colour Lol
First one this year; last year had about four but time's marching on...
Fantastic Photoragphy,love every shot.
Tricia fantastic results,outstanding Photography as usaul.
Hi John - thank you for your comments - praise indeed!
Great pics, Trish!
Thanks Di :D
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