Edit: I think my title might be a tadge misleading. The "dipped" relates to Firecrests... (one day perhaps) and the "spotted" refers to a Tree Creeper that I finally got a picture of)..
I'd had a message from a friend yesterday alerting me to 2 x Firecrests in Bushy Park and a possible Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Both being on my "much wanted list" I headed off this morning.
The wind was icy cold but "the sun was brilliant and the skies were blue". I rather like saying that - it's a rare occasion :D
Parked the car, and these two Egyptian Geese were up in the tree calling loudly as usual. I don't know if they're the same pair, but there's usually a pair in this tree!!

Parked the car, and these two Egyptian Geese were up in the tree calling loudly as usual. I don't know if they're the same pair, but there's usually a pair in this tree!!

I headed off for the pond and the two Grebes from yesterday were still together. I watched for a while but nothing much was happening. Not long afterwards, Ian caught up with me; he'd come with the same purpose..
This Canada Goose had been chased off its patch of water (where it sat quietly minding its own business) by..

a very aggressive cobb Mute Swan. Only the adults remain now, the 7 cygnets from last year were nowhere in evidence today - I'm assuming they've now moved off to pastures new. Obvious signs of aggression by this cobb, means, hopefully, they will breed again this year..

and beside one of the ponds, these Polyanthus were in full bloom. I suspect someone has planted these as they were alone and looking somewhat out of place!

I got into the wood and the number of woodpeckers I heard/saw was amazing. This Great- Spotted was up in a tree, when with a flurry...

this Green Woodpecker arrived in the same tree!

I'm beginning to think that Bushy Park is THE place to go birding. A really great albeit unplanned trip!

As I entered the Plantation, these crocus were enjoying the sunshine.
I spent a considerable amount of time in the Plantation enjoy the wildlife and sun. Woodpeckers were everywhere; at one time three Great Spotted Woodies were drumming in the same tree! Still no sign of the Firecrests so I walked through to a favourite spot. I'd been advised by a fellow birder/photographer who visits Bushy, of the favoured spot for treecreepers and, until today, they'd not appeared for me.
I was wandering along, quietyly and slowly. watching Woodies and Wrens when, I saw....
I've never managed a decent shot of a Treecreeper so to get something acceptable today, was a great bonus!
Having spent some time there, I was then joined by Ian again and eventually we headed off for the visitor centre and a welcome bowl of soup.... yummy!
On our way back to the car park, these two (very loving) Rose-ringed Parakeets were ensuring continuation of the race..
The two Great-crested Grebes were still around, but nothing much was happening so I headed off for home. I'd arrived at 10.30 and left about 2.30...

In addition, saw all the usual suspects on the water and several small flock of Long-tailed and Blue tits, Great Tit. Wrens seemed to be everywhere darting about as is their way!
I'm beginning to think that Bushy Park is THE place to go birding. A really great albeit unplanned trip!
i had assumed when it started that if you had seen a firecrest....
It's nice to see that spring is starting somewhere - we don't even have daffodils up yet! Mind you, the birds are starting to pair up so it won't be too long :).
Tree Creepers remind me of those wind up Toucans you could get when I was a child that would bounce when you touched there tails :)
What a number of birds, my favourite one is that bird, the Egyptian Goose. But, all of them are really nice.
Really fabulous shots of the Treecreeper Tricia well done and great angle on the parakeets{:)
Wow.. so beautiful pics..
Love them all..
The pictures are wonderful. I love the ones of the parakeets. So sweet! What a great morning you had.
Pete - yep! as you know, if I had seen that elusive bird, you'd have heard the "woo hoo" from here :D
Gaina - our daffodils are just beginning to show their colours. Lol @ your reference to Toucan toys :D
Bob - Egyptian Geese are so noisy at the moment and really make their presence felt both audible and visually.
Roy - the Treecreeper was a real bonus. I've look for them in that spot many a time and almost tripped over this one (figuratively speaking that is )
Hi Costas Nice to see you here and thank you for your very nice comment :D
OC - Thank you. It was a good morning and the first time I've seen Parakeets thus engaged ;) even though I do get many in the garden.
Shame about the Firecrests Tricia, but certainly made up for it with those excellent shots of the Treecreeper.
Love the Parakeet peeping from the hole in the tree, and the Egyptian Geese impersonating Cormorants.
Dancing Grebes in the previous post, a great sight to see, and you got pictures too. Nice one.
And; the header. Love it. A laughing duck!
Hi Keith. One day I'll see one - when I do it will be a lifer!!
However, I was delighted to see the Treecreeper especially as it "danced" around to the sunny side of the trunk!
As to the laughing duck - I felt we all needed a bit of laughter with all the awful weather; at least we're seeing a bit more sun!
Amazing photos Tricia x love the treecreeper pics, what an incredible little bird! And the parakeets are lovely too x i can only dream!!! x
Great shots of the treecreeper. Not an easy bird to photograph.
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