Here should be Treecreepers, Woodpeckers and Wrens. Heard Green and Great Spotted Woodies and dipped on a Treecreeper in this area. But one of two Wrens was singing its heart out in the brambles around us. He didn't stay visible for long but I managed to grap these shots when he appeared.

I then wandered over to the pond. The two dancing Great Crested Grebes that were there the other day were not there now. This is the second time I've NOT seen them - I suspect that they've moved on to somewhere better to have their nest...
On my way back to the carpark, I was walking along where I'd seen Reed Buntings last Spring and... low and behold!!

Beautiful new babies.. and older friends you have trcia..
Coots and wrens for me as well today tricia. my coots were a bit more well behaved though:-)
Hi Tricia,
And mamma mia, you saw some birds there. I love the the Egyptian goose goslings, they are so cute and your picture of them are really nice...
You then got quite a lot of nice pictures of other species too... This looks like a very nice birding moment... I did not get that chance tonight, I saw nothing around the lake I used to visit!!
Hi Tricia, the Egyptian goslings are the most.
A productive day Tricia.
Those goslings are way in front of the queue for cuteness.
Definitely the start of the 'aw' season there Tricia.
A lovely spring collection Tricia, love the little goslings.
Hi Costas - thank you... I'm looking forward to seeing many more little ones before too long
Warren - seems a coot and wren day doesn't it?
Chris - I do love this time of the year. Hope you'll have better luck next time you're at the lake!
Keith - Those goslings are too cute for their own good lol
Bob - aren't they just!
JOhn - I think we can expect a few more "aws" over the next few weeks.
Roy - thank you - I'm quietly confident that spring IS here after all!!
Awwww, the little goslings are adorable. Beautiful shots.
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