But we did find this Terrapin before too long. I'd been told last year to look out for it and this was the first time I'd seen it. Nice one!

A little later on whilst waiting for the Great Crested Grebes to do their weed dance - which they didn't - HE just wasn't interested! - a couple of mute swans were ensuring the continuation of the race!
We walked further around to see if the Grebes had moved any closer - they hadn't but, after a while we discovered a pair of Nutchatches. They were disappearing inside a hole in this tree and we concluded they were nesting there. I shall be back and will keep an eye on this tree!

The Grebes just wouldn't play ball and come any closer for me so this is the best I could manage!

We had a cuppa and a bit to eat and then, as the rain clouds gathered, we went back to look for the Kingfisher. We didn't see it perched but suddenly it appeared from the direction of the lake and flew at great speed down the river - a wonderful flash of turquoise blue. :D
We'd also seen a Treecreeper whilst waiting for the Kingfisher to appear. Heard wrens and robins singing. And all the usual water fowl were about on the lake.
As the rain started we headed back for the car and home. Thanks for your company Phil - a very enjoyable day :D
Today I headed off for the London Wetland Centre at Barnes. I met up with Brian, Jenny and Jai - great company - thanks guys! Haven't laughed so much for a while now...
The weather and light weren't that brilliant. It was lovely to see the buds beginning to open and many bushes had the first signs of leaf growth.

Around on the Wildside, two Great Crested Grebes sparked our interest but nothing much was happening. The other bird is, we think, a cross between a Canada and Greylag goose - odd looking bird indeed!

A couple of Egyptian Geese flew overhead.

We moved on to the Wildside hide when - DISASTER!!!!

We moved on to the Wildside hide when - DISASTER!!!!
I took a picture and heard the shutter open - it sound very odd and then I got the dreaded "Error 99" code on the preview screen. I switched on and off; removed and replaced the battery and removed and replaced the CF card. And then took a picture
However, as an experiment I tried a picture in the hide where a much longer exposure was needed. This was OK. So I'm sure the problem lies with the shutter.

I shall be off to a company I've used before, up in Vauxhall, on Monday. I've been advised that this is not an unusual problem with the 50D in that the shutter is liable to failure after about a year or so. I've had mine since December 2008.

I shall be off to a company I've used before, up in Vauxhall, on Monday. I've been advised that this is not an unusual problem with the 50D in that the shutter is liable to failure after about a year or so. I've had mine since December 2008.
I had my Canon 20D with me so at least I was able to continue taking pictures. However, it was nearly time for me to leave and the light was getting worse.
Stretching Greylag.
Stretching Greylag.
Finally I attempted without much success to get a picture of yet another wren... it only came out of the wood pile very briefly...

and then I headed off for home! Not the best of days and I think, watch this space.....
Hi Tricia!
It might not have been a perfect day but it certainly wasn't bad!
Hugs from Peru,
Hi Tricia,
Just do some browsing on wildlife and nature blog. I found your blog. Nice one. Keep it up!
Every day is a beautiful day for us .. when we are looking at your beautiful photographs..
Tricia, thats a lovely post!!! I love the terrapin, and swans! Also love the cows. A beautiful set of pictures, thankyou for sharing them xxxx
What a great lot of pictures. Sorry to hear about your camera. The pictures of the swans mating are really interesting. Wonderful shots all.
my sympathies over the camera!
You have me worried now Tricia. Since I got the new lens I have had the odd photo where the shutter sounded as though it was taking longer than was indicated in the viewfinder, with photos too bright. I was initially blaming the lens. My 50D is about a year old and had a lot of use so I had better keep my eye on what it is up to. Fortunately my nearest Canon dealer is only 25 miles away.
Hi Mel and thank you...
Hi Rose Welcome and thank you for your comment. Hope you'll stop by again.
Costas - thank you for your very kind comment - always good to have you visit.
Karen - thank you as usual :D The Terrapin is rather handsome despite it's nasty habit of taking eggs!
Pete - thank you - not nice when our cameras go wrong is it!
OC - thank you. I felt sorry for the female swan seemingly being "drowned"!
John - I'll do a post about the outcomings but the camera's ok now.!!
Hi, Tricia, and thanks for showing me round.
I had a lovely day too. Still haven't got round to doing my pics yet, but yours are lovely.
You know how to tell a story with a little sequence of photos.
The nuthatch nest was a good find.
How awful that your camera is broken. Lucky you have a spare.
Regards, Phil.
HI Phil and thank you for your comment. Glad you enjoyed the day too. The Nuthatches are now conspicuous by their absence but the Grebes are definitely nesting where we saw them.
The camera seems to be behaving itself - for the time being that is!
Looking forward to your pics ;)
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