More of the park's wildlife -
A Grey Squirrel enjoying a snack

Wonderful antlers of a Red Deer Stag

Hind with young

I'm not sure if this is a Roe Deer (in the foreground of the picture). To me it looks very like one but, I was under the impression that they weren't to be found in Bushey Park)
If anyone knows differently however.........

One of the lighter coloured Fallow Bucks

whereas this Buck has the darker and more usual colouring

Trees and growing things...
This tree had already been populated with very young mistletoe plants and were growing only about 1.5 metres from the ground

I came across this dead tree - and rather liked it's shape against the backdrop of the large conifer

On entering the smaller of the two Woodland Gardens, the Gunnera has now died down for the winter, and its enormous leaves now cover the frost-vulnerable centre of the plant.

It's neighbour is a Swamp Cypress . This being a deciduous tree, drops its pine needles after they have turned a beautiful bronze in colour.

The "knees" produced by the tree (more info can be found in the above link)

Just inside the entrance to the woodland gardens, much fungi was evident.

Now into the second and larger of the gardens
A bridge across one of the many streams

and a totem pole which is in the Canadian Glade
The House of Windsor.
During the First World War (WWI), areas of land in the Park were turned over to the plough to 'Dig for Victory'. King George V gave his permission to use Upper Lodge as a home for Canadian Convalescents. Queen Mary visited the troops and made sure entertainment was provided with the help of local people. This Canadian tie with the Park is commemorated by the Totem Pole and the Canadian Glade in the Waterhouse Woodland Gardens.

with this on the top

The end of a walk having blown the cobwebs away :D
I think your roe deer is a fallow deer, judging by the tail and rear end colouring. The antlers are a very roe like (im guessing there damaged and/or its a first year buck) and the colour but I can just make out some faint spots.
great pics btw :)
Thanks for your comments Neil - and help with the ID. Everything about it said Fallow deer except for the nose marking and, as you say, the antlers.
The light colored deer is very unusual looking, never seen one like that before. Thanks for sharing.
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