The sky was blue; just the slightest breeze; the sun was golden and the temperature - cold - it was the most beautiful winter's day.
The pond still had a thin layer of ice on it which resulted in birds "standing on water" - this vision rather played with the senses!

Views around the park

Wow, your pictures are marvelous. Must be chilly over there as the water is frozen. We're holding out well so far this winter.
Thanks as usual OC!
Tis a bit chilly but the sun was actually warm! The ice was there from last night and hadn't melted at 3.30 p.m. Freezing temperatures again tonight - should be interesting tomorrow!
Love the B-H-Gull pic's. But the one that caught my eye, is the lone Gull with rippled reflection, superb pic. Also your Gull in flight, again superb and such a good photo for anyone learning Gull plumage, the detail is very good. Thanks.
Hi Anon (do you have a name?) and thanks for your comments.
I'm not sure which Gull in flight picture you're referring to? Perhaps on another day's post?
Hi again Tricia :-)
Great bird shots - tricky to decide my favourite! However my favourite overall pic from this posting, hands down, is the first tree photo in the views around the park. Wonderful and exactly the image that 'drew' me to drawing as a child :-D
BTW - you guessed my mystery guests correctly. I just hope they visit again tomorrow morning. I wonder how many are in this flock too. What a treat this is to see - you say you get them - regularly? I have only seen them once before and never expected them to return! I am thrilled :-D
Hi Shirl and thanks for your kind comments - the trees are amazing in the Park - I love them in the winter when you can really appreciate their structure against a blue sky!
Gosh - so I had a lucky guess then? Mine are unpredictable. I don't see them for weeks then they visit for several days on the trot! I've been seeing them four about a week now and hope they stay a bit longer! Fingers crossed yours stay around too.
Beautiful photos, would make a lovely calendar.
Tricia -its Paul or Pauco. He always posts as anon....
its the gull man!
The Gull in flight is from 1st December.
I have to admit I liked the sole gull with rippled reflection as well!
I didn't venture out today
(except local shop) - altho i did think about Barnes...too cold!
Cant get out of tomorrow though - thankfully I dont have to leave until 10am.
Hi Tricia, sorry should have said who i was! anonymous was just easy to post under. paul, i post under pauco on BBF.
The BH-Gull i meant is just under your photo of the Red-Crested Pochard, it was the under wing detail of the Gull i liked, its not easy to get good pics with the detail you captured. Again you have some really lovely photos, its just i am a bit of a Gull nut, as Corinna, whom i call 'sneaky' will tell you.
Wonder where my comment went?
Maybe I didn't post it after all!
Anon is Paul or Pauco (I bet) the Gull man .
The pic he is referring to is on 1st December.
They are good pics - and the sole BHG with rippling water is great!
Hi Paul - All is revealed and now your gull comments make more sense. And thanks - I was reasonably pleased with the pic myself but wished the wing tip had been more in focus!
That makes it more intresting though Tricia, LOL
Hi C and thanks - your original comment did come through but somehow got buried in other emails so I hadn't moderatied it! My apologies.
Although it looks like rippling water, it is in fact levels of broken ice!
You do take the most wonderful pictures.
Thanks again OC - but I'm just lucky to have such photogenic subjects so close to home!
Female mallard preening is great, love the reflection.
Also like the trees, especially the last pic.
Thanks ST - the light was really good and gave up good reflections as a result.
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