The male Blackcap made a return visit to the garden, which was great, especially as he was being vocal
(record shot only)

I had a walk with my daughter today through Esher Woods then some essential food shopping.

At Tesco's supermarket, the usual opportunistic Starlings were guarding the trolleys!

Those Starling pics are great. I see they`ve left their marks on the child seats.
You're right there Dean - must be a Health and Safety issue for Tescos!!
Are Tesco's giving away free starlings, with the shopping?
Black cap - you lucky thing, I'm still trying for sparrows.
The tree shots are my favourite tho!
great pics of the Starlings; The woodlands look very peaceful; bet that will be different on Dec. 25 and 26!
Just shows you should always have a camera with you for those unexpected gems - wish I'd had one for the blackbird hopping about on the display outside the fruit shop, right next to the handwritten sign 'Help Yourself'. You must be really slim and as fit as a lop from all this walking!
ST - I think they must be - 1 starling for every £10 spent! Lol I haven't seen a sparrow in the garden for many weeks now :(
Yoke - it's normallye quite peaceful - many dog walkers there though but I wouldn't know about 25 and 26 December!
It was just luck I had the dSLR with me as I was on my way home from walking. I don't know about the slim and fit - haven't walked "properly" for a while now... must do so soon.
much sharper!
I absolutely love the pictures of the starlings. I really like these birds and although we have them here, they've only been at my feeders once during the winter for a couple of days.
That the Canon D50?
Thinking about that for a while...ermmm.....
I too saw the moon
about the same time this am!
Lovely it was.
I thought so too Pete - thanks.
Thanks OC - Starlings are very charismatic - but not popular with everyone unfortunately!
Hopefully you'll see more of them soon.
Yes C - it's the Canon 50D.
Congratulations on your anniversary, it seems there are a lot of 1 year bloggers out there at the moment, myself included.
Have a great Xmas and if you can, I'm trying to get blogers to post their Xmas sightings on the 3/4th Jan - just a bit of fun, have a look at my latest posting, spread the word.
BR - wherever I am - I'm sure to find some birds - at least I hope so...
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