A quiet couple of days over Christmas and didn't even manage a walk. I came home yesterday bringing Mum with me for a few days. Unfortunately Mum has started an unwelcome and unpleasant cold which, for her, is not good news as she suffers from asthma. Bit of a worry.
Regrettably it's far too cold for her to go out, so we went for a drive around Richmond Park.
Not many birds about in the park but, not far from Roehampton Gate and the Rugby pitches were two very large herds of Fallow and Red Deer. The latter chose to cross the road as we approached which gave us wonderful views of these lovely creatures. It's noticable now that the stags are back in their all male groups following the rut in the Autumn.
The birds numbers are down a bit, in the garden but the male Blackcap continues to visit as does the Jay. Blackbirds, blue tits and goldfinches (only about 14) are the normal first arrivals followed by chaffinches and greenfinches. I'm now fairly certain that I have two robins visiting
so I'll be keeping an eye open...
Hopefully, for her sake, Mum will feel a bit better tomorrow........
12 hours ago
sorry to hear about your mum, it seems to be rife this year and also seems to be worse than normal.
I had a cold and it seems like I passed it onto my brother and boyfriend. But I'm not sure if I did as they had it much worse than me including shaking, fever and a really bad cough. Mine was a cold, perhaps a little worse than normal but only got a cough after I was better...
Hopefully your mum will be ok, I can understand your worries. I have asthma too and have had to go on steroids a few times if it's hit my chest. It's not nice feeling like you're going to die!
Liz - yes not nice when someone's struggling to breathe as you obviously know - but tomorrow is another day......
Wishing your mum well, Tricia. It as been a couple of really cold days, though.
Thanks Dean
I understand your concern Tricia.....parents are a worry.....I do hope that Mum is feeling better soon.......
Glad you had some time out if only in the car.....
Cheryl - thanks. Hopefully we'll have some sun again tomorrow and can have another trip out.
I am sorry to hear that your mum isn't well, Tricia. I don't know any good - and really working remedy - expect perhaps try to make her laugh as much as you can. It will not speed up her recovery, but it makes her feel better.
Lots of "get well hugs" for mum.
Better your Mum is with you than on her own when she is unwell. Hope she is feeling better today and you can go out on another drive.
Thanks C..
Hope your mum gets better quickly. It must be awful with the asthma problem as well.
Thanks OC - she's seems to be improving and I'm worrying slightly less :D
I hope your mum is on the mend Tricia, keep her warm, and keep her fluid intake up.
Thanks Paul
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