About mid afternoon I decided I would nip up the road to my local National Trust gardens - Claremont. I had a reason.
I was interested to see what birds were about. Well, nothing out of the ordinary except there are now two Emperor Geese. I'm assuming they are collection birds.
However, just a few pictures .... with a difference?

I hadn't had time to adjust the camera or take the lens back before capturing this "stretch"

A rather snooty Greylag Goose

Emperor Goose

Red crested Pochard

One of a pair of Black Swans that have been residents for some time. According to a lady feeding the birds (who seemed to be a regular), its mate had recently been predated and a younger bird had been brought in.

The photogenic Mandarin Duck

Carrion Crow enjoying some of the scattered bread

and finally, but topically, - one of the many White Doves that have been around now for many years

I know these aren't the most exciting subjects and I've included them in previous posts, but I wanted to try out my new camera that arrived yesterday! The light was appalling, but I couldn't wait any longer.
What I am impressed with is the amount of detail that the camera has captured - none of the pictures have been sharpened; some have been cropped and some have been adjusted for lighting and contrast.
Just would like some sun and different subjects now to put the new acquisition through it's paces (when I've read the instruction manual too :D)
Good pic's Tricia, the one that stands out for me is the Mandarin Duck a real cracker.
Thanks Paul - their colours are amazing!
Great photos again, Tricia, but of course I like the black swan! I saw a couple of them swimming way out in the bay here a while back. I must admit I didn't know till then that they would frequent salt water. btw Have you told what your new camera is and did I miss it?
ahem you gave in then!!!
Good on ya Tricia. I did`nt even get to use my new camera today :(
Mick, thanks again - It must be great to have black swans "in the wild". Here they are captive of course.
The camera? is a Canon 50D.
Dean - So sorry you couldn't get out - think the weather wasn't kind at all today - regardless of where in the UK we were!!
Pete - yes - finally and well, someone kept talking about it!! :D
Great photo's again Tricia. Certainly brightens up the day seeing them, thanks, Jackie.
The black swan is a beauty. The water in your pictures looks like silk. Great shots.
That's a great little camera you have now. Beautiful pictures. Love to look at what you consider common birds since we don't have many of them on this side of the pond.
Richard - I'll try and remember to identify common and rarer birds when I post future pictures.
Jackie - glad to have helped!
OC - know what you mean about the water!
Nice set of pics. Whats your new camera then?
Thanks Neil. The camera's a Canon 50D.
Photos are great Tricia, just trying to catch up on the blogs a bit. The Black swan is amazing.
Great photos, Tricia, it makes me very jealous!
Hi Jan and thanks - glad to see you here again.
Thank you Graham - I still stand in awe of your moonshot!!
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