A year ago today, I was walking with my daughter and her dog - Boo. Today, my daughter is working but I collected my grandson from school. Later on his Dad and Boo (who's decided she'd like a change of address and is now living with my grandson's dad!) arrived, so December 19 still seems to be a family day of sorts.
Boo - I miss our walks!

In some ways, it seems far longer than 12 months since I first started sharing my thoughts, words and deeds with the world at large. I've stretched my memory far back in the annuls of time (well - over the last year at least) and I can't remember what started me blogging in the first place. However, it has served as a very useful diary tool and looking back at some randomly selected posts, it's good to be reminded of some of the good things that have happened along the way.
A undisputed benefit as far as I'm concerned, is the number of blogging friends I've made along the way. There's a wonderful community of like-minded people out there in the big wide world, of which I'm delighted to be a part. So to all my new blogger friends - thank you for the pleasure your blogs have brought me and, I'm sure will continue, to bring over the next year!
So an anniversary stroll in Bushey Park - the sun had disappeared by the time I got out this afternoon but no matter - just a very few pics to commemorate the day (and an excuse to put the camera through its paces).
Magpie (Pica pica) - a common species in the UK

Black-headed gull - Again!! (Larus ridibundus) found commonly in the UK

Female Red-crested Pochard
(These are mainly descended from escapees and not native UK birds although there are now breeding populations. Most likely to be seen in South and East England )

My thanks to all those who have the patience and stamina to have read my tales for all, or part of, the last twelve months.
Just a small aside - the male Blackcap was back in the garden again today... whey hey!
That's it for today folks - wonder where I'll be a year from now and what I'll be doing then??
Nice to share your memories Tricia as well as your lovely photos.Boo is gorgeous I have a border collie and a springer.My thanks to you as you helped me start my blog up through posts on GBS,and gave me confidence to share my photos
Sheila - I'm really pleased that I was able to help - that alone makes it all worthwhile :D
Happy 1st Blogaversary, Tricia :-D
We are fairly new blogging friends but that's what makes this fun - you never know who you will meet next. One post can connect us instantly to other bloggers! Although I don't know now which one connected us ;-)
Thank-you, for your postings and images from your birding trips and walks. I am sure I am not the only one who enjoys them. I am new to birds and it is always great to find someone with enthusiasm and birding expereince such as yourself. I am not surprised that you have inspired others to try blogging :-D
A year from now? I for one hope you are still posting. Time does fly - I began mine 1 year and 1 month to the date before you and I never expected to be still enjoying it so much! I hope you get as much out of your blog as I do mine :-D
Congrats on Year One and best wishes for Year Two!!
Hi Shirl and thanks for your kind words. Like you, I cannot remember who "connected" us but thanks to whoever it was for so doing - from the South to the North
Hi Tricia
After seeing your comment about the 1st birthday, I see I have been on Blogger for a year now. I was on Yahoo 360 for a while before, but much prefer this. I am a new'ish friend of yours but have a lot in common as we both live in Surrey and we know the same places, but you are a much better photographer and get out and about a lot more than me. You are a very caring person, sharing the few not so good times that Phil and I have had recently.
I hope in 2009 to met up with you in one of the many places in the area.
Thanks for your friendship and the great blog. Jackie.
Hopefully, still entertaining us with your blog. Happy anniversary Tricia.
Jackie - thank you. And happy anniversary to you too.
Capturing the moment with a camera (regardless of the result) is what is really important as that is what triggers the memory.
And.... I really do hope we can meet "for real" in new year!
Dean - aw, thank you :)
Congratulations on your first anniversary, Tricia. Hopefully the first of many. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and the marvellous photos you take.
And a happy Anniversary for your 1 year blog, from me too Tricia.
Now you know me and Gulls, and i have to say those 2 pics of the Black-Headed Gull are stunning! the adult winter in flight is no mean feat. And the 1st winter on the post WOW, so from me keep blogging.
Tricia - congrats on the year. A more civilised blog would be hard to find!
Graham - thank you for your kind words.
Paul - I'm beginning to learn about gulls from you - thanks! So I now know what a 1st winter BH Gull looks like. I did wonder about the signficance of the brown colouring.
Steve - that's a great complement - thank you.
Tricia, you could not pick a better Gull to learn from than the Black-Headed. They are a 2 year Gull ie: it takes them 2 years to reach adult plumage. And their moult pattern is easy to follow, it just takes time, and its fun honest lol.
Hi Tricia, I too enjoy your blog and its fun to read about what is happening up on the top side of the world! Your photos are great and an inspiration to do better with my own. Also reading your blog makes me look at my part of the world with a different point of view.
nice one trish
Ta Pete
A mile stone , i hope ther are many more.
Happy 1. anniversary Trica!
Where you'll be a year form now? I really hope still posting, taking me along for a walk and continue to share your thoughts and wonderful pictures with us.
ST - thank you - I'll try hard to keep it up!!
Carin - thanks to you too. I'm always glad that you enjoy my outings with me :D
for some reason unbeknown to me I posted my congratulations for your first anniversary on your preceeding posting... men eh, hopeless. Looking forward to the next years blogging from you.
Happy 1st Blogaversary, Tricia. Keeeeeep posting!!
An anniversary?
Well done!
I was going to comment on your gulls but Paul got there before me.
The brown hues are cos its a juv!
BR - you are forgiven - you always say the nicest things :D
DB - will do - nice to see you, to see you.......
C - Thanks.
It seems that quite a few of us started our blogs about a year ago. Maybe we all caught the bug at the same time. Keep up the great work. Love your next post about the birds (very jealous of your goldfinches and parakeets!) Jane
Thank you for giving me the pleasure of your blog. Always wonderful pictures.
Jane, thanks - interesting that you mention that - wondered what triggered us all off about the same time.
OC - thank you; I'm so pleased you enjoy blog and pictures.
The blogging world would not be the same if you ever stopped. And your photographs just get better and better they are wonderful!
Aw Avalon - thank you for your very kind words.
Congrats on blogging for a whole year. I recently passed that milestone myself :)
Congrats to you Neil.
It must be something about this time of the year that triggers us all off to start a blog! May be it's the short days and long nights Lol.
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