The frogs have calmed down and there's only about four at a time and they're mostly taking the air rather than....
Not been out for a walk today or to see any birds. Happy to report though that the female Blackcap and the male Brambling are still around in the garden; the Blue Tits are chasing each other about and the two Robins are still happy in their normal area of the garden. Must go and investigate to see if I can spot a nest - most likely it's several gardens away!!
I have a houseguest for a few days - all the way from Adelaide, Australia, who was a surprise guest at my Mum's 90th birthday last Saturday AND, as I type he's in the kitchen cooking the evening meal and a bottle of Merlot (Australian of course) is being consumed too. This is a very strange experience for me - to have someone else using my kitchen and I really must stop trying to "stir" or turn the gas up or down; I don't think it would be appreciated!!
And my guest is starting a cold. This is a shame really but if you come from 47 degrees C to about 13 degrees C I suppose it could be inevitable!
Bon appetite and cheers folks!
Bits and Bobs
6 hours ago
Steady on the Merlot.
Oh dear Roy - do I have to? Lol
As weird as it may feel to you, it is always interesting to have visitors :)
Enjoy a different meal and some time with new people, you can always learn or teach something.
Hi Tricia,
Very glad to have found you, there is lots to catch up on here.
We had Bramblings in the garden last year but unfortunately no sign this year. We have had two male and two female Blackcaps visiting this winter. I hadn't seen them for a few days and feared they might have been driven away by the rather overbearing antics of the Blackbirds and Starlings, but yesterday I was happy to see one of the males again.
I hope you enjoyed that Merlot. When we have our customary glass (or two!) of wine this evening I will think of you.
Well Tricia, i hope you enjoyed your meal, then sat back relaxed, and finished off the merlot, then open another for your guest of course lol.
Hi ShySongbird. My apologies for the late response but I thought I'd left you a comment here! Glad you enjoy the blog and I'll be visiting yours. Cheers.
Paul - I think a couple of glasses is more than enough Lol.
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