Just a bit of info. about Painshill.
It's an 18th century park which was created by the Hon. Charles Hamilton who built up the area to some 250 acres. Hamilton owned the park until 1773 when he sold it as he had run out of money! It was then owned by a succession of private owners until the outbreak of WW2. Then in 1948 the decay of the park started when the Baroness de Veauce (one of the new owners), split the estate from the mansion and sold the park in several lots. The Trust was formed in 1981 to start the long process of restoration. Some of the original features remained although hardly recognisable from the years of neglect.
I tried to find the (reported) second Great Crested Grebe nest but couldn't find it at all in the spot where it's supposed to be. However, the other one is still active with the egg(s) still being incubated. Saw both of the pair this afternoon which is good!

As I started off, I decided to walk clockwise around the lake (14 acres) thereby keeping the lake on my right. One of the first birding moments was this family of Egyptian Geese. Sadly only one Gosling.

I'm not sure if this Mallard has been injured going by the feathers on the right-hand side of his head.

Here he was rubbing his head against his shoulder

and then went on to have a more general preen.

When you first start your journey around the lake (in the direction I took today) you first come to a small inlet before walking around it to the right. And this is where I found the Egyptian Geese trio. I know that at least two of the families have lost some young already due to predation.

Now having gone around a right-hand curve, looking back to the end we've just left.

Walking further along the view back gets bigger until

and a bit further along, looking back from whence we came

Turning around to face where we are going now, as we walk over on the opposite south facing bank, the vine is clearly visible.

and looking forward, but further into the distance, the vine is still on the right-hand bank

Now the Ruined Abbey comes into view.

The bank on which the Ruined Abbey stands, is NOT the other side of the lake as such, but one of the sides of the peninsular. This starts at the end where we first joined the lake and finishes are the far end. The Ruined Abbey, as with all the other structures in the Park, are follies and if you go around to the back of the Abbey this becomes evident. But I won't spoil the illusion!

Walking along the lakeside with the peninsular bank still on the opposite side

And near a curve in the lake, we look back to where we started!

Here the "Chinese Bridge" bridges the gap between the Peninsular and Grotto Island.

So, we continue towards the far end of the lake, but on the way get very distracted by a family of two adult and five goslings of Canada Geese. So now I've seen (not all here) Egyptian Geese Goslings; Mallard ducklings, and Coot young.

And this is where, for the moment, I have to pause in my guided tour. More will come over the next few days.........
I enjoyed the guided walk - and look forward to more, please! Its a beautiful place and the trust has obviously done a great job with restoration. The goslings are so cute.
Looks a really nice place to walk Tricia.
Hi Tricia,
This lake seems to be a nice place to walk around. Funny that you had an egyptian goose around with gosling!!!
Well done this was a very nice walk. Have a nice week end.
You have really captured the peace and spaciousness of this place - perfect in which to stand and stare, I imagine, as in your lines from WH Davies.
Thanks for sharing the scenery on your walk Tricia. It helps to bring the places you visit to life. Great to see England still has some 'green and pleasant land'.
Large versions of the goslings are brilliant. They always look so cute.
Gorgeous photos as always, Tricia - if only :)
I really like the Header photo.
Lovely commentary on your walk Tricia plus FAB photos. I think the Mallard may have a little tussle with another...naughty boy.
Have a fun packed weekend. Lol FAB
What a beautiful place Tricia, there are so many places in our country to explore that I sometimes wonder why people find it necessary to go abroad.
You have captured the essence of the Park beautifully with your descriptive narrative and lovely photos.
I love the sculptural look of the Ruined Abbey.
Really good tour Tricia. So much to see and your pictures have really captured that. Another place on my list of places to visit.
Good news for the incubating Great Crested Grebe, hope they're successful.
Those goslings are little beauties!
Hola Tricia,
That pleace is so peaceful and beautiful!
Those chicks are so cute :)
Mick - glad you enjoyed the walk. There will be more but not for a few days now.
Roy - It is indeed :)
Chris - there are many Egyptian Geese in my area. At least 3 broods at Painshill and two at Bushey Park that I know of. I'm sure there's many more not too far away.
HI Rob and good to see you here - You are so right about the peacefulness to stand and stare. A really relaxing place to be.
John - Very much the "green and pleasant land". And yes, the goslings have definitely got the "Aw" factor :)
Hi Steve and welcome. It's just a matter of practice and learning. Something that will never end - thankfully :D
Frank - you may well be right in that he's been fighting - again!
Jan - I couldn't agree with you more. There's still so much of the UK I'd like to explore and get to know. Mostly from the Midlands upwards :D (I know the South quite well - just in case anyone in the South feels neglected)
Keith - if you're intending to visit at any time I'd be pleased to be your guide.
Mel - Hola. It's definitely a place that releases you from the cares of the day.
Thank you for sharing your day with us I almost feel like I was there - Great shots again!!
Thanks Tricia. I may take you up on that. :)
You're welcome Jayne and thank you.
Good to hear Keith :)
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