Except, first this this morning when I looked, bleary eyed, out of the window onto the garden, I noticed it was raining heavily. Just as it stopped I was aware, against the very black sky, how iridescent the colour of the newly emerged leaves were, especially on the Acers. So I took a picture and here it is!!

Now you may wonder, why the caged ground feeder has such a prominent position in this picture. Currently it's feeding my robin, blue tits, the odd dunnock here and there, and my resident wood mouse. The latter has been very visible early each morning for at least the last week.
However, if what happened the last two mornings, happens again by tomorrow morning, I will let you know about the mystery!

Oh and I completely forgot to mention, that when I was in Bushey Park a couple of days ago, I saw my first Swallow flying around, backwards and forwards over the Boating pond. No doubt enjoying the food supply in the early evening. I was sooooo pleased! :D
Hi tricia,
This is a wonderful garden!! I love it. Sorry for the rain, but sometime we have to share ;-)
always a nice feeling to see your first swallow Tricia. is the mesh to stop a sparrowhawk?
The rain missed us, Tricia. Pity, it might have brought a few birds down low.
Nice garden. Wish i could be bothered to tidy mine.
I like your garden, I also like the 'new' header as well.
I really like Acers. I've bought a few more very recently as their general shape and fingered leaves make up for their bareness in Winter.
What a lovely tidy garden. Lots of trees and bushes round the borders for your bird friends.
I look forward to hearing about your mystery Tricia!
Please send us some rain, the garden is getting desperate for some. We had a tiny bit earlier but the ground and pots all still need watering.
Mystery? How can I sleep now? :)
Lovely garden you have Tricia, and I'm not the least bit jealous.
Well, maybe a tiny bit ;)
What a delightful garden you have there Tricia, so tidy and well kept. Hurry up at break the news on the mystery I'm all excited now!!!
We had the dreaded rain yesterday got soaked topping up the feeders but today has started really bright & sunny if not just a little chilly!!
Chris - I don't mind the rain and the garden does need it.
Warren - I'd seen one about three week's ago, but it's my first local Swallow and yes, as you say, it's a great feeling!
The mesh cage is to keep out the bigger birds - Starlings, Feral Pigeons, RN Parakeets and give the ground feeding birds a chance!
Dean - sorry you didn't get the rain you wanted. I did have a much needed "garden care day" - long overdue!
ST - thanks - the header pic is one of the "special one in a million pics" (to me anyway :D )
John - I have to admit that Acers are a passion of mine.
Liz - I will post about my mystery but it's not anything too exciting!
Keith - I hope you had a good night's sleep LOL. And thanks - the garden's taken many years to achieve!
Jayne - thank you. It's only superficially tidy and always looks that way when the grass has just been cut. There are many areas which I've deliberately untidy and I'm rewarded with several bugs as a result of this. Stag Beetles breed at the bottom of the garden.
Will post about the mystery tomorrow - but please, one and all, don't get too excited !!
I love having a 'nose' at other people's gardens Tricia and yours looks delightful. We were entertaining over the weekend so I wasn't able to take advantage of the sunshine (it was supposed to rain) to tidy my garden, it isn't too awful but does need some attention.
I too am looking forward to your mystery.
Hi Jan - if you're having today's rain then you would only have to have tidied up all over again as everything will have grown so much in the wet!!
I've now posted about the "mystery" - hope everyone's not too disappointed.
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