I'm pleased that the male Brambling is still about in the garden (I've seen him for the last 3 days) but wish he'd come out into the open for a better picture.

Each year I put out some nesting wool and it's usually the blue and great tits that take up the offer of a cosy nest lining.
Today was no exception. I was watching the birds (and having my first coffee of the day - so it was very early) when I noticed a blue tit coming and going to the wool. She did this over a very long period of time and I sat entranced for about an hour.
It seems I provide the food and nesting materials but, despite my providing nest boxes, the blue tits are nesting, as they do every year, in a nest box in my neighbours apple tree, two gardens away. I was able to see the blue tit flying off from my garden and entering the nest box two doors away!
On this occasion the wool wouldn't separate that easily, so she had to come further and further down and away from the container.

A similar situation here

and sometimes you have to hold it down with a foot so you can tear a bit off

At one point, three blue tits arrived and one of the was NOT at all welcome and got shouted at then chased off

Back to gathering more wool

And all from the comfort of my armchair :D
Isn't rewarding just watching bird behaviour sometimes, Tricia, there's always something new to learn and you are so lucky to be hanging on to that handsome Brambling.
oh tricia just adore the photos of the blue tit.
Hi Tricia,
maybe you tit boxes are too near the feeding area, tits have to defend their territory, so if thier box is near a feeder they have to keep chasing away the hoards of other birds!
Feed them, provide nesting material, and they nest elsewhere. There's gratitued for ya! :)
Great sequence of pictures, just shows what hard work it is for a little thing like that.
Excellent series of pictures with this blue tit! Fascinating to see them acting like that. Thanks for sharing
Thats a great post Tricia and I bet you had a cup of tea or two and a sandwich watching it all happen.{:)
Hi Tricia,
Fantastic posting and I loved reading it. The last Brambling we saw came to our garden last year, and we haven't seen it since.
Excellent Blue Tit shots, especially the photo with 2 Blue Tits. They are such agile birds. Unlucky with the nestbox choice. Our Blue Tit nest must be nearly complete in our non-camera nestbox and they will start bringing wool and feathers in soon to line it.
Thanks for sharing :-)
Lovely photos - and what a great way to start your morning!
What a delightfully told story to accompany your excellent pictures Tricia, I'll bet you'll be back in that watching seat againg tomorrow!!! lol
Graham: It's wonderful to have so many birds literally on my doorstep. The blue tits are such fun to watch.
Sheila: they are rather cuties aren't they!
Warren: The box has been used once and is on the opposite side of the garden from all the feeders. But it may be that the garden is so busy these days, that that's the reason.
Keith: I know! So inconsiderate really Lol.
Chris: They're very watchable.
Roy: nearly right! A couple of coffees and breakfast!
Joe: Thanks. You'll have to get another camera :)
Mick: Fair sets you up for the day!
Jayne: thank you. You're probably right but won't have so much time tomorrow!
Great series of photos of the Blue Tit activity. My last dog had long soft hair which moulted copiously all year round so I used to save that. Bobby says he needs his hair!
Nice sequence Tricia, just shows you don't always need to go far to see life!
I'm quite envious about your Brambling, last year when I wasn't able to take photos our garden was full of them for weeks on end for the first time ever. This year not one...Oh dear!!!
cool stuff, its amazing what you can see in your own garden.
Fascinating sequence showing the Blue Tit hard at work.
John: I've seen my daughter's dog hair in a nest I had - blue tits do like a cosy nest.
SS: The brambling was here again today (8 April) never know one stay this long!
Niel and Paul: I love garden watching and yes, the blue tits really do work hard!!
Yes, but you must have had elevensies as well.
I have not seen a Brambling since January last year.
just passing through thought i would say hello. Loved the choot chic pic reminds me of a water hen chic but with more color, but my favorite has to be the heron in flight must put my one up on my blog the remind me of a prehistoric bird.
Roy - OK you win! Breakie (at about 7.30) and elevensies at about 10.00!!!
John: Thanks for stopping by. I've just had a quick look at your photography blog; love picture of Autumn landscape in Kildare.
Great pics Tricia, is that just sheeps wool that you found? There's plenty in the field next to my garden here so don't think they'd be interested in anything I'd provide, but would be nice to try.
The very best seat in the world Tricia, I normally come across sheeps wool stuck on the barb wire while out and about, that and dog hair that folks seem to leave around after brushing their dogs while out walking them... At this time of year the birds go mad for it...
This really is a great set of pictures of the Blue Tits at work.
Have a good Easter weekend
Wiggers World
Hi Jan and thank you: it is indeed sheep's wool but I bought it rather than found it. There's not many places where you can find it where I live in suburbia unfortunately.
Tom: Thanks - the blue tits really do work hard. Enjoy your Easter.
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