However, as Swallows (three) and Great Grested Grebes (6 of them) greeted us, the dullness was lightened a little.

We met a very helpful chappie who was a Wildlife Trust Volunteer and he very kindly showed us where the Tawny Owl was. It would have been very difficult to find it without his help.

From there we went on to Rye Meads (RSPB) where Sedge Warblers abounded. This one showed itself briefly but it was lovely to hear their song.

A mallard was having a bath

and from one of the hides a Reed Bunting was observed having a meal.

Grass staying still on a windless day

A choice then of going to Knebworth House ( I haven't been) or Amwell. Well we were having so much luck with the birds today that we headed off for Amwell after a quick lunch at a local pub.

Mute Swan

Canada Goose - bathing

"Ooh - what's that up there" "Is it the sun?"

The sun eventually broke through and it was lovely to feel its warmth on your back. Not so many pics today but saw a great many birds. The list will follow on another post!
Thanks Pete :D
Edited to add What we saw today!
Blue Tit
Canada Goose
Great Crested Grebe
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Green Sandpiper
Green Woodpecker
Greylag Goose
Little Grebe
Little Ringed Plover
Pied Wagtail
Mistle Thrush
Mute Swan
Sedge Warbler
Song Thrush
Tawny Owl
Tern (Common - I think)
Tufted Duck
Edited: ooops - forgot Grey Heron, Oystercatcher, Buzzard and Reed Bunting
and on our way back from the car
that's 45 species seen
Cetti's Warbler
CUCKOO - another WHEY HEY!
Willow Warbler
and a further 5 heard.
Not bad for an impromptu day's birding!
Great set of photos again Tricia. Particularly like the Tawny Owl photos. I can see why it would have been difficult to spot. It had certainly got its beady eyes on you.
Hi Tricia, that Tawny Owl is a beautifully marked bird and the shot of the Lapwing over the water is superb. What a great day you had.
Hi Tricia,
Great to see the Tawny Owl photo. Yes, apparently they are very hard to spot when in day roost. Nice Sedge Warbler photo too. I saw a Chiffchaff on my last nature reserve visit which I have just posted on. Many of the warblers are similar and its often a job to be sure of their ID
Certainly sounds a great day Tricia, and great pictures too. Love that shot of the Mallard.
I went to Rye Meads last year, and thought it was a really good place, so much to see.
sound like a good day with good photos Tricia, we to had good a day.
fantastic photo of the lapwing over the water
I haven't been to Rye Meads for a long time but it always produced a good list like yours today. Great to capture Tawny Owl Tricia as they are often heard & rarely seen.
Especially like the bathing shot.
John - Thanks. I was just so lucky to get a half decent shot of the Tawny.
Graham - isn't he a beauty! I only just managed to get the Lapwing in shot - that's why it's disappearing of the screen - so thank you for the kind comment!
Joe - thanks; just wish the Sedge pic had been better - but to get one at all is really satisfying!
Keith - I like Rye Meads but some of the waders are "first timers" for the reserve for some!
CGreen - Hi and good to see you here. Thanks for the kind comment.
Frank - I consider myself lucky to see the Tawny - which was a lifer for me!
Leazwell - thanks. Good to see you here.
Phil - I'm playing "catch up" at the moment having had a busy Easter weekend - will be coming over to "yours" for a visit very soon.
Great day out Tricia, wonderful to see the Tawny Owl, it was very well camouflaged! Very impressive list of birds and really funny last photo of the Canada Goose.
Thats a fair old list of birds Tricia, well done. I like that Sedge warbler photo best!
Great Owl pictures. I wish I could regognize birds by their songs and call. Only got a few of them down pat.
Even though the weather wasn't great you had a nice little collection of sightings Tricia.
Sounds like yet again another lovely day out, I particularly liked the Tawny, we have a pair who often keep us awake at night but we've never caught sight of them. We just hear the constant twoo whit followed always by the twoo whoo!! We would just love to catch sight of them!!
Jan - Thanks as usual. The Goose did look a little odd I must admit!
Warren - thank you. Not a bad list for a shortish day out!
Richard - I still need a great deal of help with bird songs!
Roy - yes - a goodly selection which was great!
Jayne - Must be lovely to hear them so close to home but I can see that being kept awake by the calls might just be too much of a good thing!
I'm surprised you could see the owl, it blends in so well with its surroundings. Great shots all.
You're right OC - it was extremely difficult to see OC and I glad we had a "guide" to point it out! :D
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