My attention was caught by balloons hanging on the fence that was guarding a Mute Swans' nest. I quickly grabbed the camera and took a few pics.
Not satisfied with this I came back later with my dSLR.
Several people came and went to look at the cygnets. Someone commented that last Monday (26 May) there were five broken/smashed eggs on the main bank and attributed this to the badger or foxes. On that day, it is alleged, the water between the island and main bank hadn't much water so consequently animals could have crossed to the nest.
Whilst I was there, on both occasions, several people (many of whom were residents) came to admire the new cygnets - born yesterday. It was obvious from the comments that the Swan family's progress has been closely monitored and observed with mounting excitement.
I believe the residents of West End who have taken so much trouble and care in ensuring the safety of these birds, deserve a round of applause - well done to everyone involved.
I'll let the pictures tell the tale:
A view across Prince of Wales Pond

A Birth Announcement

The Council had erected this notice; it is so sad to think
that it's even necessary!

Site of the nest with Mum & Dad in attendance
You can see the Birthday Balloons

Keeping close to Mum

"Mum - can I go and play with the others please?"

Time for a swim

Regrettably, despite the announcement of five births,
there were only four cygnets today. One of the cygnets
is noticeably smaller than his/her siblings.

"Ooh, I'm having my picture taken, and I'm only 1 day old!"

Mum was being very protective and keeping an eye on her youngsters

Back to the nest now

Where we all had a preen and some attention from Mum
(Unfortunately, one egg hasn't hatched)

then it was time for a snuggle

while Mum had a few preening moments by herself

How are you all doing under there little ones?

And finally, Dad remained aloof and to one side whilst he
had a preen.

love the little swan posing!
Hi Tricia, Pete put me on to you. What gorgeous swan pictures. The babies are adorable.
Hi OC - good to see you here and thanks. I've popped in now and then to your Ramblings and enjoy my visits :)
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