As I was meeting my Grandson from school today, I didn't have much time to spare so, household chores done, I left early and had a quick run (I use that word loosely) around the pond in Bushy Park. The wind was - blowing a gale - again!
It was fascinating watching the Swifts screaming over the pond - dipping and diving. I was following them with the camera - is it possible to get a decent shot of such a fast flying bird?
A Tufty had a wing stretch

The eight cygnets and their parents are still doing well; the cygnets growing in confidence now, as well as stature.

Dad had a quick drink.

This female mallard and male tufty were quite happy in each other's company

Interestingly coloured female Mallard

A female Red-crested Pochard had a preen in the water

And everywhere, were Jackdaws - dozens of them today.
And they were presenting themselves so well for pictures.

This jackdaw was flying over a Coot's nest while the Coot was keeping an upward watchful eye on it..

The coot was concentrating so hard, that it lost its balance and fell over on its back in the nest!

Off to school then - blown there by the wind!
This wind is really irritating, your right!
I had fun yesterday trying to photograph a swift, I did mange a pic. in the end.of sorts!
Hi Tricia, I love the Jackdaw photos, that is 1 bird i have not managed to photograph as yet, I must go and visit my brother as he gets lots in his garden.
Lovely images Tricia.
What a silly Coot, that may have given the Jackdaw the chance he was looking for.
Talking of chances is that female mallard trying to tell the Tufti something. {:)
brilliant shots of the Jackdaws Tricia and I never tire of the lovely duckling photos
Warren - I saw the pic of the Swift on you blog - well done!
Phil - they can be very comical and brash all at the same time!
Roy - thanks. I think it nearly did. I got another couple of pics but they weren't good enough to show the detail.
Think you may be right about the Mallard....
Sheila - thank you. The babies are a bit addictive aren't they!
Great pictures Tricia. Love the Jackdaws. Never seen pictures of them before.
Hello there, Tricia. I found my way here by clicking here and there! I'm also quite partial to birds and photography, and live in British Columbia, Canada. I haven't even seen any baby ducklings this year, so better get a move on and check out the local water spots! Excellent shots of the birds, and like others, was sorry to see the little injured duckling. I'll be back :) and please take this as an invitation to visit me as well :)
Hi Richard - they are fairly common place birds here and certainly in the parks near to where I live.
Hi Glo and great to see you here. It's interesting where you can "land up" by clicking from one blog/site to another.
I would like to visit you but when I click on your name, I just get the message that your profile is private? Could you give me a link or URL so I can pop over to Canada to see you please?
You really do get some terrific shots Tricia, your collection must be vast _ Thank you for sharing them with us all
You're right about all this wind, I'll be glad when it's all blown away!
Great Jackdaw shots, very comical birds to watch.
Good capture of the rolling Coot lol
I have to admit I have a fondness for Jackdaws after keeping n injured one as a pet as a smallboy. I have enjoyed catching up on your outings and your wonderful sightings. I may be able to help with the strange looking duck. Google 'Abacot Ranger' and compare yours with them. I had not seen these before until this year when I did a post asking for the birds ID and my good friend Lizzy came up trumps with Abacot Ranger
Hi Tricia,
I loved your Jackdaw action shots and the fluffy cygnet shots too.
We have a Mallard at our local park which looks similar to the one you photographed
Lovely photos as ever Tricia, I loved the Jackdaw ones and the Coot made me laugh. :-)
I love the jackdaw photos too, they made me feel happy and sad because they reminded me of the baby jackdaw my daughter saved from the jaws of next door's dog when she was only young herself. We looked after him until he was well enough to go back to the wild but he always remembered us. He would sit on my daughter's shoulder when she went for walks round the village and he used to perch on my head while I was gardening, running back and forth to stay on top as I changed position! He spent his last days with us too and is buried in our front garden.
Hi Tricia,
yeh I guess the wind was bothering you, but you got a great, really great series!!! All these pictures are with nice attitude, like the stretching-wing tufted duck which is wonderful. I love this whole set!!! Well done.
Hi tricia
the link you need for Glo =
Lovely keeping an eye on the birds at Bushy and other places....
Looks like I may drop in on Barnes tomorrow as I cant travel far - so I'll see how those Swans are!
Joe - Thanks - interesting that you've got another "white" mallard and I've subsequently seen a similar one on another pond. Perhaps a new species will evolve! :)
Jan - thanks. The coot did look rather ridiculous rolling over; didn't see it blush though!
Lily - that's a lovely story and what a lucky Jackdaw to have ended his days with such a caring family.
Chris - Thank you again, for your very kind comments. The wind has died down a bit now but still around.
C - thanks for the link! Have fun at Barnes but the swans I photographed were at Bushy.
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