But this morning I felt I should check on those 8 Cygnets in Bushy Park so duly set off
As I arrived, the male flew away farther down the pond

where he was closer to his family
And I'm delighted to report, that all 8 cygnets are present and correct!

Whilst warm, it was dull and grey and Mum was still popular for having a snuggle!

Whilst we are very young, we do need the occasional 40 winks

And I was pleased to see the Great Crested Grebe still around - pity s/he's on its own though :(

This Jackdaw was hovering around by the Swan family, but Mum kept it at bay!

A Red-crested Pochard was having a preen
(I noticed it's been ringed)

On then to the Woodland Gardens. On the way I'd noticed movement in the distance. As I neared the "movement" turned out to be seven young rabbits

Into the Woodland Gardens, and I noticed this flying long before it landed in the water. Now I've looked at Queen Wasps and Hornets and I can't find exact matched for either. It was much larger than a wasp so - ID help needed please?

Around the pond in the Woodlands at least 6 Banded Demoisells were on the plants

and as I walked along beside a large tree I came across these which, I think, are Cardinal Beetles

Many of these were in flower lining the banks of the streams

whilst the Azaleas and Rhododendrons were colourfully blooming!

and clambering over the gate that joined the Woodland Gardens to the main park, the Wisteria tumbled down in blue!

After that and back at home out came the lawnmower. 99.5% finished, emptied the cuttings bags, went to start it the mower and would it! NO!! Changed the fuse - still no joy. So tomorrow it goes back to the repairers who currently have a three-week turn round for repairs! Hey ho
But the water reservoir's been emptied; the pump's been taken apart and cleaned; and I'm now feeling rather pleased I can tick those off my list. Now - it's the weeding etc. etc. etc.
omg, those baby birds and the bunnies are too much, lol. Wonderful lot of pictures Tricia. Interesting bugs you have there.
Don't you just hate all those little jobs that consume so much photography time!
Hi Tricia
Looks like a hornet to me - google Vespa crabro and you'll find some similar images. Very nice images as always!
Hi OC and thanks. The bunnies were really cute and "froze" when they saw me - I just sat and waited then managed to get the pictures.
Hi Mark - thank you. I've eventually found a matching picture so thanks for the latin name - I'm now sure it's a Hornet!
Hi Warren - yes indeed - much rather be watching wildlife and wielding a camera than household tools any day! :D
Beautiful! I like the way you have caught the details of the swan flying off. Also the rhododendrons reflected in the water with the ducks there also. btw lawn mowers are a problem! I took mine in to be fixed earlier this week and the shop was closed - off on holidays for a week!
Birds, blooms, bugs and baby bunnies. A lovely set of photos again Tricia.
May be worth trying the mower again tomorrow just in case it has thermal protection and it got a bit too hot under the collar. Just a thought.
Mick - many thanks. Mostly luck catching the swan today; no time to set up the camera properly and rather dark!
John - thank you. I did try the mower again but it's still as dead as can be. I think it's probably related to the initial problem after they'd replaced the cable.
Cracking set of pictures Tricia; bunnies, birds, bugs and blooms.
Good to see the cygnets are doing well, and a good flight shot of the adult.
Shame about the mower deciding to take a rest when it did, especially so close to finishing.
Lovely photos again Tricia, great swan in flight and I loved the Pochard.
You are not having much luck with that mower! Our 'lawn' looks awful as we are still waiting for the new shed and mower, and during the heavy rain last night the other garden tools drowned! We had covered them in plastic sheets originally but I had given up chasing the plastic round the garden in the recent high winds!
Hi Tricia,
Well, it still looks like you had time to take some pictures, even if the little work took away from it. I love the cygnet up-date, these are really cute and it is nice they all hatched. i also love to see these nice rabbits, they are so cute....
Life is really blooming around you, I hope that the little sun we have now will help me to see some of these things too!!!
Keith thank you - I was surprised to see all 8 cygnets but delighted nonetheless!
Jan - Sorry to hear of your "drowned" tools but the in the recent winds, not an easy task to keep them covered up!
Chris - I can usually squeeze in a bit of time for pictures. Fingers crossed your sun continues. Been very wet here again!
Lovely lot of photos Tricia. Hope all the eight Cygnets survive.
Hi Roy - I DO hope so; I shall be keeping an eye on them.
Beautiful shots Trisha, love the close-up of the signet and the rabbits :-)
Thanks Paul - The bunnies actually "froze" when they were aware of me, so it made it much easier to get a picture :)
Outstanding blog I just love looking in. Love everything, so much going on.
Well done.
Hi Paul - and thank you. Spring does seem to give us so much variety in our wildlife and plant world :D
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