Today, it's drizzled almost non-stop all day and the predominant colour is grey. I haven't even been out for a walk as domestic bits kept me occupied and dreadful weather didn't encourage me out. Did have a trip to the supermarket with my daughter so good to have her company.
Now - yesterday!!
Many year's ago I worked for, what was then, Kingston Polytechnic; it's now grown up and has been Kingston University for some time now. In the early days of my employment with them, my department had a part in the annual Graduation ceremonies. There were quite a few of these and each "School" (as it then was) had their own. These used to take place in the "Main Hall" of the Penrhyn Road Campus - this being the biggest at the time I was there.
With it's elevation to University status, Faculties were introduced and the nature of the organisation changed. It is now an exceedingly large one and the number of courses, at all levels, has increased dramatically and subsequently, so has the number of students passing through its portals. The majority of these students leave with their relevant academic achievements in the form of a degree, diploma, etc. etc.
I left there in 1988 and have had not real connection with it since then; until three year's ago that is. A tenuous connection, as it was my daughter who went to Uni, embarking on a course of Midwifery as a mature student.
In September 2008 she obtained her midwifery qualification.
And yesterday -
I sat, with my grandson, in the audience at the Royal Festival Hall, while we watched my daughter walk across the stage (on exceedingly and ridiculously high heeled shoes) to be congratulated by the Principal and the Vice President of Kingston University in acknowledgement of receiving her Diploma in Midwifery and to be applauded by a very impressed son and a very very proud Mum!
So many many congratulations to you me dear; very well deserved after all the hard work over the last three years! And what a great and memorable day it was :D
(and even greater congratulations for NOT falling of your shoes :D)
and now - the thesis...............
Lethargy and Clarity
1 day ago
Congratulations to your daughter.
Also congrats to the car for getting to the supermarket without taking you on a detour :)
Great acheivement. Congrats to your daughter, Tricia.
Tricia - speaking on behalf of the Holmethorpe birding community, cogratulations to you and your family. A special day indeed!
Ah well done to your daughter, i know when they achieve something that they have worked so hard to get so much it means so much to us mums well done her and you for your support!
Frank & John - I will pass on your message! and didn't the car do well (or not, depending on one's viewpoint Lol)
Steve - thank you and please say "hi" to the Holmethorpe birding community?
J - you summed it up so well - thank you :)
Mum thank you so much without your love and unwavering support it would not have been possible so it was as much your day as mine!
All my love
PS they were very silly shoes!
Very many congratulations Tricia to you and your daughter on a wonderful and very worthwhile achievement! Also congrats to the car for getting you there and the heels for getting her there!
A proud mum indeed. Congratulations to your daughter, for her achievement in her qualification; and walking in the shoes with no mishaps. :)
Congratulations and very well done SPD, also well done Mum for bringing up a fabulous Daughter.
(Killer heels, tut, tut)
well done shazza.
Congratulations to a very proud mum and grandson.
I will be in a similar situation next week in Kingston when my son gets two Police commendations.
Some same "Kids, who would have them?".... but where would we be without them and our grandchildren??
Best wishes to you all, from another proud mum, Jackie.
SPD - Blush!
Jan - thanks - shoes may not get worn too often but car will get used a lot!
Keith - relief all round that shoes made it!
Roy thanks - Lol
Pete - thank you
Jackie - thanks and congrats to your son!
Congratulations to you all!
Without a patient Mum who doubled up on the young person sitting it probably would not have been possible!
Special congrats for balancing on silly shoes but when do you get a chance to buy outrageous shoes?
Well done!
Tricia if you get a chance have a look at my blog of the last few days amazing birding - and not travelled very far!
The self found rare was the tops!
Hi C - and thanks.
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