Our holiday accommodation is a converted barn that faces out onto a "yard" area. This is where the swallows and other birds like to treat us to a "fly" past and, as the area is south facing, early morning pictures are much more possible.
The swallows are nesting under cover between the top of a brick wall and a roof beam in a narrow roofed corridor between two buildings. At the far end (from us) the door has the words "keep door closed - SWALLOWS" written on it in chalk. I like this!!
Here one of the parents with a beakful of breakfast checks out the safe, or otherwise, route to the nest before flying in to feed its youngsters - I think it's only one but it's too dark and I wasn't lingering!

So we had our first outing this morning and this was to Stourhead Gardens. Our journey was about 4 miles through very narrow country lanes and conifer woods. Stourhead is stunningly beautiful. It's many years since I went there and that was in autumn so great to see it in Spring with all the Rhododendrons and Azaleas in flower.
This is probably one of the most famous views of the gardens

and an update of rather a great number of pictures taken there:
The first three pictures were taken at the end of our week away and a very cloudy day. As we drove northwards from where we were staying, along country lanes, this was a first view on entering Stourton and the entrance to Stourhead Gardens.

And then into the gardens - it is beautiful and somwhere that really needs a visit for each season of the year.

The white on the grass in this view, is caused by masses of daisies growing - wonderful!

After a pleasant but exceedingly expensive sandwich, we headed of for Shelbourne Castle and house. Given the ground floor was the only available floor to wheelchair users, we opted for a wander around the gardens. Again, some great views and interesting bits and pieces.
A view across the lake.

So now? We decide where to head off to tomorrow. I must say we've been jolly lucky with the gloriously hot weather and, of course, I've taken all the wrong clothes!!! One June when we were away we were glad of having our fleeces with us for warmth!
Looks like you are having a great time there, Tricia. Here's hoping the weather stays kind for you.
Great shot of the Swallow.
Great photos and beautiful views! Plus I had a chuckle at your comment about the weather!
It sounds like a lovely place. Great pictures.
Tricia, the garden views are really beautiful and lovely pics too.
The weather looks set to be good for a while Tricia, but I'm sure you'll have a great time whatever it does.
Great Swallow shot.
Oooh, wish I was there Tricia, lovely photos and fantastic views!
I am not sure how I got here but here I am and how happy I was to see your photographs. I love to take pictures of nature and of birds. So I hope you can stop by when you have time and see some of my bird photos.
Abraham Lincoln
My Birds Blog
Lovely scenes Tricia.
John, Mick, OC, NatureStop, Keith, Jan, Abe and Roy
My thanks for your comments and I shall be posting some more pictures soon. Sorry for the delay in responding.
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