We walked through the gardens; it was so quiet and peaceful. The river Nadder runs through the estate and trickles, shallowly, over cobbley stones as it wends its way. A few Mallards were swimming around doing normal Mallard things. A female cruised passed with three young.
I looked further down the river and whey hey – a Little Egret. It was looking for food but didn't seem to find any and finally, it flew – up into an adjacent tree. I had only my landscape lens with me but, hey I saw it and it was a great surprise!
Arrived at our final destination along a many country lanes. The villiage consists of a few house and a church it seems – but further investigation may prove otherwise.
We're in a converted barn on a working farm with fields full of buttercups everywhere you look. Horses are stabled here and are out the in the fields grazing contendedly.
As we got out of the car, I heard that oh so familiar sound – Swallows!! I looked up and six or so were diving and sweeping passed our heads – you felt, almost, as though you should duck. Up on the roof a lone Pied Wagtail looked around him and yes – the wonderful sound of House Sparrows – still chirruping as I type.
A commotion from the Swallows and they bombarded a Sparrowhawk flying through the courtyard. Amazing – four different species of birds and we hadn't got through the front door.
I've tried to upload some pictures but my connection, I believe is too slow. If I can get them posted I'll do so.
In the meantime - oooh it's warm :D
In this tree in Wilton House Garden, a blue tit had its nest. Half way - vertically - between the two holes you can see!

A Little Egret stands and stares

One of the neighbours..

Hey Tricia, if you need an Interpreter. {:)
sounds like you 've found a small paradise tricia!
WOW! wish i were there with you two lovely people , you paint a wonderful picture of somerset life. Enjoy the break and the good weather xx
Off to a good start.
It sounds idyllic.
I liked your photos, Tricia. I saw a Little Egret on holiday in Norfolk this week
Sounds wonderful, ENJOY!!!!
Sound just idyllic Tricia , I hope you and your Mom have a delightfuul holiday
Lovely to hear you arrived safe and sound and have had a lovely start to your holiday. Thanks for checking in :)
Roy - I'll be in touch...
Warren - with Swallows around all day - yes :D
J (Avalon) - You'd be very welcome indeed xx
Keith - yep, not bad eh?
Joe - thanks for visiting
Jayne and Glo - thank you both.
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