I did manage to spot a pair of Broad Bodied Chasers - who wouldn't stay still for very long but, finally the female settled - way over the other side of the pool of water. I heard three Reed Warblers around the pond, but couldn't see any of them!

Nothing else about much so I headed off for a quick look at the birds in Claremont Gardens.
Coots up to strange body antics again - they learn early!!

A quick snack - this a different family - there were at least three coot families

A Greylag had a drink

whilst this couple were happy resting..

and this little one liked daisies!

whilst another had an afternoon rest.

A Peacock butterfly sunbathed.

Then today, I had a walk with a friend in Bushy Park - we spent our time mostly in the Woodland Gardens where we were rewarded with the sight of -
a Female Banded Demoiselle
(I think - please correct me if I'm wrong - equally I'd like to know if I'm right :D)
The colours were amazing as it happily had an afternoon snack

before flying further away - but the sun really caught the colour of its wings - amazing colours!

Just a quick post today.
Hi Tricia,
Very nice,w e can see from your text that you enjoyed your walk! Very cool to see damseflies and all these birds species. Congrats and have a nice week end.
Lovely set of photos from your perambulations I'm hoping for a visit from a broad bodied chaser this year. I had a male visit my pond for three years but didn't see one last year. Not seen any females though.
Your geese photos are charming as always.
So far I have never seen a Demoiselle, only other peoples photos. They sound like a spectacular sight.
Spot on with the ID Tricia, and great pictures too.
I'm still waiting to see my first Dragon; maybe the weekend?
Those Coots are comical, and you've caught the water spout perfectly. :)
All beautiful photos! The little goslings are so cute! - especially the one in amongst the flowers.
Glad you had some sun. Remind me what it looks like will you? :(
I really enjoyed joining you on your outing and seeing such a great variety of nature's wonders. It's such a joy when the sun assists with photography, especially when it highlights iridescent colours. I loved 'Daisy' too! A very treasure hunt shown in beautiful pictures :)
Chris - Definitely enjoyed the walks thank you. And have a good weekend.
John - fingers crossed you'll get your visitor before too long.
The Demoiselles are amazing to watch; probably one of the most colourful damsels in my view :)
Keith - thanks for the confirmation. Cotts may be a pain in some ways, but they do provide entertainment. Good luck for dragons at the weekend.
Mick - Thank you - they're growing up now.
Jan - it's that big yellow shiny thing that's always hiding behind clouds in the west. Sorry it's hiding too well down your way. Perhaps very soon it'll reveal itself?
Glo - the sun (at the right time of time) is always very helpful. Thank you for your kind words.
Glad you had some sunshine at last Tricia, it is brighter here too thankfully.
Lovely photos again, I particularly liked the Greylags, especially the 'resting couple'.
Very beautiful snaps. Especially the series of snaps on Banded Demoiselle are very good.
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