So, I got there for about 10 o'clock (when Wisley opens) thinking I could get to the Glasshouse before everyone else. WRONG!! Apparently (accordingly to an overheard conversation) the press were being given a tour and, as a result, the Glasshouse wasn't open to the public until 11.00 a.m. (FACT)!!
So I used my time to have a wander and visit the bird feeders. With reasonable success in terms of pictures.
Then off to the Glasshouse - with everyone else within a day's travelling of Wisley - it was PACKED!!! Which is great for Wisley but horrid for photographs.
The level of humidity was very high in the Glasshouse and it took 50 minutes for my camera lens to acclimatise. I believe that those with compacts or lenses that were smaller in diameter probably didn't have to wait for so long. Whilst waiting I was getting hotter and hotter!
Another disadvantage of the humidity was the effect it had on me - tropical steamy heat and me, dressed for winter temperatures. WOW - talk about a Turkish bath!!
So having finally left the Glasshouse I had a quick bite eat (Sausage in a roll with onion relish and a Mocha - oooh, that was nice) and a further wander before heading off home for the school run!
Photographically - it was a very challenging day. Outside the light was bright and harsh, (especially for photographing snowdrops); in the glasshouse the camera couldn't focus properly because of the constant misting up of the lens.
Anyway, herewith the results of today's efforts.....
Robin perched high singing his wonderful song..

Male Chaffinch lit by the sun


Blue Tit

Great Tit


The eyes of this butterfly are amazingly colourful!

A bit of floral colour

Snowdrops in the gardens - my first this year..


A lovely visit, but, if you're wanting to photograph the flutters... get there early and allow plenty of time for your camera to acclimatise.
Hi Tricia
What a shame about it being the press day!! My friend Carole from Farnborough went this afternoon and said it was very busy.
Great photographs inside the Glasshouse and out as usual.
As you said it was a great day weatherwise and it made one feel you should be outside!! Jackie.
Another set of great photos Tricia.
You`re right about letting the camera acclimatise to the heat. Well worth the wait, though.
I thought about a quick visit during my lunch break but then decided 'No'. Now I can enjoy the experience on the laptop in less tropical temperatures - Thanks Tricia. Loved the Robin singing.
Jackie - thanks for the kind comment.
Dean - thank you - I'm amazed I lasted - patience is not my virtue and neither is getting roastingly hot!
Frank - glad to have saved you the steamy experience Lol. And there's something about a robin singing - wonderful!
Amazing butterfly images and you found the snowdrops.
Hope you have recovered Tricia.
Thanks Roy and glad you visited. I recovered eventually Lol and the snowdrops were great!
Butterflies and snowdrops... what a great combination. Wish we got that combination in "real life". Loved the pics of the robin as well. Thanks. Jane
Wonderful pictures of the butterflies. Makes me long for summer. Your pictures are all beautiful.
These are stunners... love the Nuthatch. It looks a great place to go.
Jane - thanks and I agree about the combination!. There's always something about a robin...
OC - like you, I'm longing for spring and summer to really get going with lots of flutters and insects....
Tom - thank you. I was pleased the Nuthatch sat on the branch and for long enough to get a reasonable picture.
Great photos - the light may have been harsh but you seem to have coped ok!
The butterflies are a gret Idea by Wisley. Walk round the eden project I felt the plants could have used some animal life (although there were a few british birds that had sneaked in).
Fantastic as ever!
Neil - Thanks for your kind comments. The Eden project is on my "must visit" list but it's rather a long way from me..
SPD - Daughter dear - thank you as always for making me smile :D
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