I went with a friend to Painshill Park for which, on Wednesdays in January and February, there is no entrance charge.
Robins abounded and we seemed to see one every ten minutes or so. A flock of about 7 Long-tailed tits entertained us flitting through the trees. Two mistle thrushes called with their ummistakable "football rattle" sound, two pairs of Egyptian Geese were wandering about and we heard pheasant and a green woodpecker.
On what little water there was were Coots, Moorhens, Canada Geese, 2 Greylag Geese and a family of two adults and 5 young Mute Swans.
The ground was covered in several days' accumulated frost and, in some place, evidence of the snow flurries was apparent. The lake was frozen over and only a small area in the centre was clear to water allowing the faithful waterfowl some area for swimming and feeding.

We walked around the outer edge of the park (rather than the honeypot areas on the island in the centre of the lake), and over towards the watermill; the wheel was strangely white today!
The first view of the lake

and the same view back in August last year
The view from the Turkish Tent

and the same view in August
As we approached the waterwheel, it was obvious that the normal red of the ironwork was now silver -

closer inspection revealed the thick ice that was now coating the wheel

Around the other side of the lake and back towards...

the cafe for some welcome hot soup before heading off home.
It was great to get some exercise in good company and put the new camera through its landscape paces in bad light.
Your new camera - plus your skill - gives great photos! The ones of the waterwheel are especially nice and I also like the one of the lake with only a little bit of open water in the middle.
Well done what a lovely selection of photograps......I love the ice on the wheel....looks like some sort of sculpture....
I feel sorry for wildlife at the moment, they are having a bad time I am sure.....
Thanks Mick and Cheryl. It does look as though some sculptor has spent time creating the icy effects on the wheel!! Lol
Great photos glad it does not get that cold here.
Very funky ice waves no wonder my mini froze!
Indeed SPD! My you have acceleration to be proud of tomorrow morning :D
Neil - Thanks. I wish we had some of your warmth just now!
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