And this morning was no exception. I awoke to this white glow and yes - it had snowed during the night; not much, but enough to cover the ground and turn everything white.
This seems to have brought out the birds again. For the second day running I had a visit from a Song Thrush (not a frequent visitor to my garden); also added Collared Dove to the garden year list, and - TA DA - I have a second Blackcap and this time a female. And Whoo hoo - my first Brambling - a female. My cup runneth over.
Now all I want is some decent light for pictures but, guess what? It's been snowing off and on all day but not settling.
Mr. Blackcap dropped in again

and the Dunnock paid a call.

Hi again Tricia :-)
TA DA - we had a female Blackcap visit this morning too! We also had snow - I guess that was what she was waiting on. She has made herself quite at home finding the apples and the Acer feeder which was so popular with a couple of females last year. Great stuff - you can tell I'm thrilled too! I guess it will be another posting for me tonight too :-D
Ah... a Brambling - will need to look out for that now! Thought my mystery guest passed through again today but it didn't stop for me to get a good look. This is a fun time to look out into the garden isn't it?
Great photos - I love to see and hear about your garden visitors :-D
We have not had snow here today, but the temperature is 0 degrees outside at 5.30pm so the wood burner is lit, curry on the aga want to come for dineer!! LOL
Shirl - congrats on your blackcap. The Bramblings en masse have arrived on farmland (as they did this time last year) and this is about 12 miles from me. The two events seem to coincide.
J - ooooh curry - I've booked a cheap seat on the next plane and will pedal hard to get to you for dinner-time Lol!
Your early morning routine sounds just fine. Early mornings are great out here - but for a rather different reason - its cooler! Delightfully so!! Lovely birds.
Great to see you are going for it this year Tricia. I'm sure if you continue your garden watch you will keep getting little suprises. Try to watch during or immediately after there has been a 'weather incident' of any kind, heavy snow, frost, gales, rain, heatwave etc, it shuffles local widlife into action...
Stewart - I think it's more a matter of self-discipline in keeping records. My biggest surprise was a two-second visit from a Kingfisher which landed on top of a feeding pole about a year ago - my jaw dropped open (and is still in that position I think Lol )
Have much enjoyed reading your account of birds in your garden - I too have had three song thrushes infact in our garden - they're around but never give the bird table much of a look in... am just waiting for the return of the Bramblings here - we had one male last year only... not sure what happened to his mates! Still freezing cold here in Brittany but looks like it might get a bit milder after the weekend as with the UK... watch this space! Miranda
Hi Miranda - and nice to see you here.
Hopefully you'll be warmer over there in Brittany soon. Good luck with the anticipated return of the Bramblings!
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