I set off for Sussex - and the roads were flooded in many places. In fact, there were lakes where I'd never seen lakes before.
But, by lunchtime - the rain stopped - the clouds parted - the sun came out - the tide started to go out. Errands run and chauffeuring duties undertaken, lunch at a favourite spot... and the sea sparkled.

The tide went out...and gulls everywhere!

Hmmmm take in that fresh air...lovely.
We have had torrential rain here....my garden has turned into a lake at the moment....I am hoping we will have a quiet spell and allow it to flow to the ditches......
Great photos of the sea. I especially like the way you have caught the light glinting off the rocks in the first photo of the sea.
I know this area very well Tricia. My Mother-in-Law used to live at East Preston, so I used to scour the beach from Tamarisk Way all the way down to Ferring Rife and the Lemon Tree (now Bluebird) Cafe.
Steve - it's such a small world. My mother (who lives near Worthing) had a life-long friend who, up until recently, lived in Tamarisk Way!!
The Bluebird Cafe is another favourite - a close 2nd after Sea Lane I(or the 8-day) Cafe.
Love the sky/beach shots Tricia.Poor little Blue tit, looks so fed up!
Mick - thanks. I hadn't planned on being near the beach today; was on the offchance. BUT, it would be an oversight if I didn't have my camera in the car when visiting my mother in W. Sussex!
Paul - thank you. The Blue Tit sat there for a while just looking around and very bedraggled - poor little mite!
Cheryl - hope the water leaves you - quickly!!
Great photos Tricia, that new camera is working well.
You certainly had better weather than most of us.
I love the first picture of the blue tit. So sweet.
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