Today it dawned - yep - wet and grey again. So armed with a cup of caffeine to kick start the day, I settled down with binocs to do my usual morning bird count. And was I well rewarded??? Indeed I was!!
At about 8.15, following the early arrival of blackbirds, the garden became alive with feathery friends. In the first half-hour whilst it was getting lighter this was my count.
25 Goldfinches
3 Blue Tits
5 Blackbirds (some of the males have black beaks, legs and no yellow eye - so I'm presuming they're foreign visitors?)
5 Greenfinches
2 Starlings
5 Ring-necked Parakeets
1 Blackcap (Male) - yep he's still around
1 Robin
then..... I was starting to count Chaffinches 1, 2, 3 hey - no it is....
1 Chaffinch AND
2 Bramblings (male) YIPPEE!!
and they were in the same place (the apple tree) as last January. Fingers crossed they'll stay around.
And all this within half-an-hour's observations.
After I got home yesterday and sorted myself out after the weekend away, I decided that the sun was too good to miss so I headed off for a quick wander around Bushey Park. Just as I was driving into the car park I got a text from Jackie saying she and Phil were there - so we met by the pond. Jackie had been watching out for parakeets and we were rewarded with a male and female sitting in a tree not far from us. So......
For Jackie - Ring-necked Parakeets
(Male on the left - note the strong black and red neck markings)

The male moved to a closer tree - but hid!

Egyptian Goose - was this what you were looking at Jackie?

Moorhen perched

This young Red Deer found a branch very interesting

whilst this adult -
"What me? Eat the grass? Never!"

The sky was blue

The water calm and reflective.

'morning Tricia
You have been busy already this morning with your bird watching!!We had a couple of Greenfinches at one of the feeders earlier.All quiet at the moment.
Yes, it was the Egyptian Geese, I have put my photo on todays blog along with the Pochard one.
It was lovely to meet up wih you again yesterday. We stopped for a cuppa at Squires, Teddington, before coming home on the M3. The exit from the other end looked very busy.
Off to get the washing on the line, sun is starting to shine. ;-)
Great photos. I'll have to go to Bushy Park again, p[erhaps on weekday when its quieter
Bramblings in the garden, now i am envious, Tricia.
Hi Tricia,
Well done on adding Night Heron to your life list. I am ashamed to say that it took me 23 years to add that species to mine and that was just a dowdy-looking juvenile!
Nice one with the night Heron Tricia. Looks like some of your Blackbirds are winter visiters, Russia, and Scandinavia, they are the main visiters, much warmer here for them, and more food.
Jackie - glad we "sorted" the Egyptian Geese!
Neil - thanks. I would agree that weekdays are best for visiting BPark - especially if you want to take pictures with less people about!!
Might even see you there!!
Dean - I've lived here 23 years and they visited last January for the first time ever - I had 4 males and 3 females!!
Graham - I was lucky to be in Kent at the right time I believe!
Paul - thanks - thought the BBs would be "foreigners" Lol
Beautiful photos - lovely mood, very peaceful.
Thanks Craig.
Hi again Tricia :-)
I do love to see the images from your walks - very nice, great stuff. Fav... the moorhen on the post. Ah... but I spotted the Brambling in your garden list! You must be well chuffed :-D
Hi Tricia,
Great posting here. I woder how long it will take for the Ring-necked Parakeets to spread to Bucks. Sounds like they are doing very well at the moment.
I loved your duck photos too. They look so colourful
I have yet to see a Brambling on my travels!
I might have to pay a visit soon to a little reserve I know in Surrey!
Two! on your feeders...
Hi Tricia
What a great place to go bird watching.... I've yet to see any Bramblings but I have not been able to get to the feeders for a few weeks. Luckerly I also get to see the Egyptian Geese at a local water park.... they really are well marked.
I've re-opened 'Wiggers World' if you have the time drop in any time.. :O)
C - just one Brambling the last couple of days.
Tom - good to see you here again. Thanks for the "heads up"; I've popped in to see you :D
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