Today the (downstairs) carpets are being cleaned - this should have started at 12.00 noon thereby giving me time to get out for a wander this afternoon. At 12.15 I rang - where are you? Been delayed can our "man" come at 2.00 p.m.? OK said I but made it known I wasn't pleased. At 2.10 I rang again - where is he?? He's just packing up from last job - he'll be with you by 3.00 p.m. He'd better be, says I, or else!! The man duly arrives at 14.50 explaining "it wasn't my fault - they gave me an extra job between yours and the previous one" - I silently sigh and lie down in a darkened room for a while.
So effectively, that's my day wasted and as I type (at 16.45) the "man" is still doing is stuff and there's an all pervading aroma of damp wool! Oh lovely! Doh!
So decided to try out the Tamron 90mm prime Macro lens with the Canon 50D as I'd not used this combo before. So it was around the garden with various buds about to burst!
The results of my labours. I'm still not keen on this lens - *thinks - maybe a an e-bay moment"
These two Blue Tit pics are not with the macro lens. There were two visits by a Blue Tit today and "pecking marks" are distinct around the hole. I've seen a Blue Tit investigating the box already this season but today the Tit did not go in. Still - there's time yet.

Catkins on the willow


Crocus after the rain last night

and a Tulip about to bloom

Sedums just starting to grow and have collected rain water

The buds of Sarcococca humilis aka Christmas Box
(the flowers have a wonderful scent)

First Camelia flower

Viburnum - scented flowers

and an indoor Orchid (Phalaenopsis) aka Moth Orchid

That lens or the photographer looks pretty good to me, Oh if I could only get shots a tenth as good as those sigh sigh......
I suppose with practise it will come!!!!!
Lovely garden photos!
I hope the Blue Tit nests in your nest box!
Beautiful photos, you used your carpet cleaning time well. What a pain it is having to wait around for that sort of thing! Just spotted your response to my first comment, thank you, no problem at all.
So lovely to see the flowers. There's still two feet of snow on my sedum, lol. You're way ahead of us.
They are really nice garden photos, I would keep the lens. Phil
Jayne - thanks (blush) - yes, it is just practice and trial and error
MainBirder - thanks; I hope they nest too - would be wonderful!
ShySongbird - thank you; I couldn't do nothing and I'm not know for my patience!
OC - it does lift the heart to see a bit of colour after all the drab of winter!
Phil - thank you - I might just do that! I'll give it a bit longer perhaps. It's just a nuisance to have to use a tripod.
Hi Tricia, I dont think you had the best of light to try out the lens. I would practice it bit more in better light first before you do anything rash. The Orchid came out well considering.
(I can only imagine that the Photographer looks pretty good) {:()
Hi Tricia,
My crocus' were all but flattened by the wind and rain. Nice to see yours ok though. smashing colourful pics!
I'd say that tradesmen (and the companies that send them!) are the same all over the world! The sedum with the drops of water is especially beautiful.
Roy - The light was dreadful and many of the "subjects" in deep shade. Do something rash? Moi? Heaven forfend!
and (blush)I think your imagination would let you down in this case Lol!
Warren - this happened to mine in the main. Just the odd one or two left standing!
Mick - I believe you're correct - same old excuses trotted out regardless of location!
Hi again Tricia:-)
Great to see blue tit activity at your nestbox. Fingers crossed you get a successful brood out of it this year.
What wonderful colourful pics. Love the rain on the crocus – I took ones like these a few days ago too. I also had flattened ones. Now that camellia flower really caught my eye :-D
Oh… but your lens caught my attention. You don’t like it? I’d say your pics are great. I have a Tamron 55-200 zoom on a Canon 400D. I love my Tamron lens but hate the original one for this camera. I’m hoping to get a new wide angle lens for my birthday in a few weeks. Don’t know which one to get yet so if you have any suggestions :-D
Hi again Tricia:-)
Great to see blue tit activity at your nestbox. Fingers crossed you get a successful brood out of it this year.
What wonderful colourful pics. Love the rain on the crocus – I took ones like these a few days ago too. I also had flattened ones. Now that camellia flower really caught my eye :-D
Oh… but your lens caught my attention. You don’t like it? I’d say your pics are great. I have a Tamron 55-200 zoom on a Canon 400D. I love my Tamron lens but hate the original one for this camera. I’m hoping to get a new wide angle lens for my birthday in a few weeks. Don’t know which one to get yet so if you have any suggestions :-D
If these photos taken on grey day under duress keep lens and have a happy photo day to compare! Think oits more mood than camera! Love ya SPD
Hi Shirl - The camelia bush has masses of buds on I'm delighted to say. I'd almost given up on it as it had only been producing about six flowers!
I'll contact you separately regarding lenses.
SPS - You may well be right - for several reasons!! :D
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