Talk about March coming in as a lamb and going out as a lion? Really strong winds, scudding black clouds and torrential rain. So I had a quick dash around my local to look for the Great Crested Grebes. AND...... fanfare.... they are still there. I had time to walk further around the water and found them behind a small island which is where I saw them with their young last year.
Unfortunately, from a photographic point of view, they've chosen a place which is not easy to see, let alone take pictures of. However, I managed to witness yet more evidence ensuring the future of the species!! Not any pictures really of this activity as the light was more like the middle of the night than mid afternoon; added to which the wind was so strong that I was having difficulty holding the camera still!
On the same island was a Coot's nest and a Mute Swan's. The "island" can only be about 10 x 6 feet!

This tuftie, as a result of the high winds, was having a "bad hair day"

The female prostrates herself to the male who

having acknowledged her very clear intentions swims away

They then came around to the side of the island nearest to the bank where I was standing and I managed these shots - the individual shots are all of the male.

Finally they swam around the island with the female settling on the nest again.

I will be returning regularly to check on progress!
Its great that the Grebes are still there - and that you managed to get more photos despite the rain. That island sounds very small for all of them. Hope they all get on well together!
It's been pretty windy here today, so I confined my 'watching' to the garden after work. Hopefully Sunday I can get out to my local.
Love those Grebe shots, beautiful birds.
Can't wait for the next Grebe insstallment Tricia!
PS. Re- Bramblings. They've just found my feeders in the last few days!
beautiful shots there tricia
Loved the head shots of the male Tricia. FAB
Lovely photos again, the head shots of the male are particularly striking.
nice shots trish
Wonderful shots. The baby duck at the top of your blog is just to cute for words.
Mick: I hope they get on too. The swans are on the opposite side to the Grebes so I'm hoping they'll co-exist happily.
Holdingmoments: Thanks - fingers crossed for the weekend weather!
Warren: will keep you posted. Ah - so you've got my bramblings Lol
Sheila: thank you
Frank :thanks - I was in the right place at the right time for once!
Pete: thanks
OC - thank you. The mallard duckling is a cutie but, I hope, promises things spring-like!
Excellent... I sat for four days last year trying to capture such sightings.... but never manage to get one desent shot.. It turned out the birds never mated that year.
Hi Tricia,
What a nice post.... It reminds me of my previous message on my blog where I said I missed the courtship of two of them for few seconds. You have very nice picture of a very impressive birds with very nice attitude at this period of the year.
have a nice week end.
Hi Tom - sorry you missed out last year. You never know......
Chris: thanks - I'd still love to see their courting dance - one day perhaps.
Great Grebe pictures. I always think they look far too exotic for our lakes - and watching their courtship manoeuvres is always fascinating. Last saw them at the London Wetland Centre... spent hours just watching them.
Hi Jane and thanks. They are amazing to watch and also listen to. I never realised the calling noises they make. We are so privileged to be able to watch them.
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