On a couple of occasions I passed a herd of some 29 Red Deer Stags. Whilst the stags stick together in a group, ignoring the females and young, outside of the rutting season, I don't think I've seen quite so many as this in one group.
Some of the stages were young ones

but still managing to look imperious despite their youth

whilst this older stag was using a tree branch to rub its antlers against

and a couple of stags were having a practice. This clashing of antlers was conducted in a very genteel manner with no aggression at all.

Back to our feathered friends and this female Red-crested Pochard was having a preen

and a Coot found something rather suspect for nesting material

The male Mallard was enjoying a nap

whilst in the Woodland Garden the single Cape Teal (that's been there for some while now) was also having a preen

while showing off its beautiful teal feathers

I'd been hearing a Great Spotted Woodpecker calling and drumming for some time and eventually tracked it down - high up in the branches of a tree

Out on one of the ponds in the larger Woodland Garden were four pairs of Mandarins and a solitary male. It was time for a wash..

So that's it for the birds and beasties - the flora will follow in another post.
great pics Tricia love the cape teal something I have never seen before.
Its great to have so many things to see all in one place. The Cape Teal is my favorite this time.
Great photos Tricia, I had some nice views of a Mandarin on Tuesday when I visited Pensthorpe in Norfolk. Regards Phil
Brilliant photos as usual, Tricia.
Sheila - the Cape Teal is an escapee and has been there for about 3 years to my knowledge!
Mick - it's really great! Especially given the close proximity to London!
Phil - I like Pensthorpe!
Graham - thank you :D
You have some wonderful outings Tricia! Lovely photos again and I particularly liked the Stags clashing antlers, the sleeping Mallard and the Mandarins.
My favourite's the Cape Teal too, absolutely gorgeous!
What can I say that hasn't already been posted, some absolutely brilliant shots there Tricia - well done again
That was a good collection Tricia. Looking forward to the flora.
Hola Tricia,
It's always nice to see animals in action, just doing their thing.
I love how you capture such simple, yet amazing, moments.
Thank you Mel - wildlife is so rewarding.
Wonderful pictures!
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