I walked up the hill and out of the village where I came across a field of sheep - I wonder if they're ladies in waiting? It was just one of those "villagy" mornings.

On my way back. From here the village is hidden in the dip.

We arrived at the Squire and Horses (at Bury, West Sussex) for lunch (very good), and in the adjacent field there were many of these hopping about!

Lunch done, we went back and then I returned to suburbia! A nicely quiet country day.
Looks like you had a better day weather wise than here. Love the little rabbits, looks a lovely part of the world in sussex
Think we were lucky with the weather - best day since last weekend!
I really like West Sussex with it's softly rolling hills and, as Mum lives about 4 miles from the sea, you can enjoy it all the year round!!
Glad to see you had nice weather. Lovely photos!
Thanks MaineBirder
Hi Tricia,
Lovely scenes and they do look like they are Ladies in waiting.
Sheeps! Is it time for lambs yet? So cute.
Excellent set of pictures Tricia, I would have enjoy that walk very much... we had sunshine here today which felt warm at times...
I have enjoyed catching up on your resent posting tonight and do admire your pictures and writing.
Wiggers World
Roy - Thanks - it's a lovely part of the world.
J - Anytime now :D
Tom, it's always good to see you here and thank you for your kind words (blush). It's a great part of Sussex for walking in.
Lovely pictures Tricia, and beautiful rural scenes.
Thanks ShySongbird - it's a really relaxing place to be in.
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