Nothing out of the ordinary and, in fact, the passerines etc. were in short supply as well even around the feeders. It's that time of the year again.
At the entrance to the reserve is a statue of Sir Peter Scott and two further statues of Swans. This year, as did last year, a Mute Swan has built its nest underneath Sir Peter's feet. I wonder if it's the same swan? No sign of eggs yet but it was still nest building following its nap!

A bit further along, was a Grey Heron

Many Tufties (tufted ducks) about

and much evidence of spring with buds bursting open.

After some essential food shopping and having grabbed a quick snack at home, I headed off for Bushey Park in the afternoon. The birds on the Boating Lake were in short supply but many of the Black-headed Gulls were becoming - just that - black headed!! The light by now was dreadful!
I wanted to check on the two Egyptian Geese Goslings that I'd seen on 22 February. in the Woodland Garden. They were in the same spot with Mum and Dad and had grown a little. There appears to be a distinct difference in size (and colouring) between the two goslings.

The lighter coloured gosling is bigger than its darker coloured sibling.

Synchronised preening..

and blossom on one of the trees in the Woodland Garden.

Let's hope for more birds and better light for tomorrow!
Lovely photos of all the waterbirds and especially the goslings. Very interesting color variation between the two. I hope you can get more photos when they are a little older.
Thanks Mick. I hope to keep a photographic record of their growth. I did this last Spring with a bigger clutch that we first saw at the beginning of March.
Love the fluffy Goslings. Let's hope we get a better birding day tomorrow (weather permitting).
Hi Tricia.
Yep, it`s the dreaded transitional period between winter/spring. Everything seems to have gone too quiet.
Lovely photos Tricia, nice to see Spring is on its way :)
Love the pictures of the Egyptian Geese Goslings and the Grey Heron. The London Wetland Centre looks a great place to visit on a sunny Spring day. I think most of the places round this part of the coast are so exposed and as I get older I become more of a fair weather birder!
Well there's better light this morning anyway. So lets hope the birds come out to play!
More nice photos Tricia, I loved the synchronised preening and the Mute Swan nesting at the 'feet' of Sir Peter Scott was something special, how he would have loved that.
Oh those Chicks are just gorgeous!!! The rest of your photo's are as usual up to their usual good quality - some lovely shots there!!
Well at least you found the Goslings were OK Tricia. They are cute little things.
Frank - the Goslings are rather cute and yes - we did have a better day didn't we!
Dean - I know- when it all goes quiet but I'm never ready for it!
Liz - I really want to believe Spring is about to appear.
John - the Wetland Centre is a great place to visit - but better when there's more birds about!
Quantum Tiger - yep; much better today!
ShySongbird - thanks. And yes, I can see Sir Peter nodding with approval :D
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