Just a quick post today.
Over the last 2-3 days I've had a visit from a Nuthatch and this morning the male Brambling was still evident. I'm surprised as I thought he would have left by now. A couple of days ago I also had a visit from a Wren - which is very unusual for my garden so I'm delighted - such pretty birds.
And today, I managed to get the grass cut, for the first time this year, in the sunshine. And now - well I'm thoroughly enjoying the wonderful scent of newly cut grass - oh what a heady perfume!
The first frog spawn to be produced back on 25 February is now showing signs of development and the small black dots have taken on the appearance of 0.5 cm brown worms and are wriggling about in the sunlight.
Newly cut grass; tadpoles on their way; daffodils blooming cheery yellow; birds singing full voice, warm sunshine; the thought of holidays - it must be Spring - and it really puts a spring in your step!
Hello life!
Frist Trip to Herefordshire 2025 - Part 2
21 hours ago
It does indeed Tricia......I am going to cut my grass tomorrow....and I to just love that smell (perhaps we could try and bottle it, it might be a winner!!)
Your mention of the Wren has reminded me I haven't seen my local one for quite a while - such agile little birds.
Any energy left Tricia? My lawn could do with a shave. :>)
Still no sign of frogs here - first miss in years but I think I spotted one of the resident newts today.
Hi Tricia,
What a difference a bit of sun makes eh? Those Brambling could well be passing throughg into early april.
How lovely, and I too love the smell of cut grass, some of my neighbours were at it this weekend :D
I'm waiting, as I like to keep it long, so it'll be a fair while before I have my mower out...
Cheryl:Good idea - we might make a fortune :D
John: yes - they are very quick off the mark - hope yours puts in an appearance soon.
Warren: Hi - it would be great if he stayed around for a bit - bit he might get a tad lonely!
Liz: It's a wonderful smell and somehow the first cut of the year is always the best!
Glad you are having spring in your life again.
You sound really lively. wish we had Nuthatches in Eire.
Its early for cutting grass Tricia, just means you have to keep cutting it now an getting the aroma of course.
Roy - it is early - but I didn't get the "last cut" in last Autumn, so it was long before it started Spring growth! I'll never learn - :D
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