On entry to the smaller of the two Woodland Gardens

Into the larger of the two gardens, this tree stood out against the skyline

An emerging Camelia bud which

in turn produced the white flower

The flowers of Pieris Japonica

Then today, after having walked about 4 miles into Kingston-upon-Thames along the Thames towpath (no pictures) with my daughter and grandson (we caught the bus back and, oh the joy, of not having to use the car!) I dashed home for a quick bite to eat then headed off for Polsden Lacy. I visited in the main, the more wooded areas of the garden looking for spring flowers and I wasn't disappointed.
All these pictures were taken with the Canon 70-300mm lens which I haven't tried with the Canon 50D before. I was reasonably pleased with the results.
A new addition to Polsden Lacy was a flock of sheep

Snowdrops - but going over now.


A bumble bee enjoying the Helebores

The brilliant yellow flowers of the Mahonia

and these tiny white flowers around the base of a tree
I don't know what they are but, if you do?........

How lovely to have all those spring flowers coming into bloom around you. Such a dramatic change after the winter! We do have seasons out here - but - they are not nearly as dramatic. In the home garden it's more a matter of what flowers/plants suit which seasons so its possible to have year-round color if you plant carefully.
Hi, Tricia. I`m pretty sure your unknown flowers are either Chionodoxa ( Glory of the Snow )or Puschkinia ( Squill ).
Hola Tricia,
I'm sorry I don't know enough about flowers to help you out.
All of them are beautiful!!
It's nice to see them bloom :)
Hi Mick - I love the beginning of spring when all the plants and flowers seem to explode into life.
Dean - Thanks for the suggestions. I've googled both. I don't think it's Chionodoxa as the flower was white rather than blue. The Puschkinia seems to grow in the same way as a Hyacinth whereas "my" little white flowers are individual blooms. Your help is much appreciated though.
Hi Mel - I agree - the flowers are lovely.
It seems that spring has really come where you are. Such beautiful flowers. I really like the picture of the sheep.
I think your white star with a pale blue stripe on each petal is Scilla siberica 'alba'.
Lovely close-ups of the blooms, Tricia. You certainly have some beautiful places in your area of the country. My Mahonia has been flowering well this year but it will be a while yet before my Camelia shows any colour.
Seeing your earlier pictures of the stags has reminded me where I can see some in this area of the country.
I love the shapes of old trees and I think that aspect can best be seen when they are leafless.
Beautiful flowers Tricia and you got some really nice looking Wood Violets. I did see a few straggly ones the other day, but they were not worth the photograph.
Hi OC - Spring does seem to have sprung all of a sudden!
Frank - I do believe you've got it! thanks.
John - thanks. I do agree about the trees. Alive or dead you can see the wonderful shapes so much better when the branches are bare!
Roy - Thanks. There were a reasonable amount of Wood Violets, but they do tend to get rather hidden amongst the undergrowth!
Ahh, I was just about to suggest Scilla Siberica, but it would seem they've already been ID'd :)
Lovely photos Tricia, it's so exciting to see Spring is finally well on its way!
Is this the front or back garden? Or maybe the side! ;)
Lol - ST - I wish it was any of those...
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