Shopping done, we met "back at the ranch" to discover that one credit card has gone missing! After some detective work, it was discovered that a shop in Kingston still had said credit card so a slight detour was made to reunite guest and credit card!! On onwards from there to:
The RHS Gardens at Wisley.
We started off in the Glasshouse. The Butterflies had now been removed (as of yesterday) although we saw about three that had escaped being caught - they are being allowed to remain there until natural events overtake them!
A bit of colour though..

In the Glasshouse, preparations are underway for what seems to be a good display of Orchids so I shall go back again with a different lens for some pictures.
Outside and around the Rockery area, Spring flowers abounded

then on and up to Battleston Hill. I love this part of Wisley as it is less formal and has many woodland plants including Rhododendrons and Camelias. This are not yet in bloom but it won't be long now.

A mass of spring flowering Cyclamen

and I love this peeling bark on the tree

near the bird feeders (no bird pics today) is this wonderful plant - but don't ask me what it is because I forgot to make a note of its name!

and this cheery clump of daffodils around in the rockery area.

Then home for a cuppa. A short walk but with a promise of things to come......
Those first two photos look like Aussie flowers - 'Bird of Paradise' and 'Sydney Rock Orchid'. They should have made your guest feel at home!
Thanks for taking me for a walk especially onto Battleston Hill as I didn't get a chance to hop over the fence today.
Mick - they're certainly not native to Britain!
Frank - good to have your company! (Heard LTTs up on the hill too!)
Fantastic set of pictures.. your spring.. looks to be well and truely srung. Ours is well behind.
Wiggers World
Wisley looks a beautiful and interesting place to visit. What a lovely show of Cyclamen and the unknown flower is quite unusual.
A couple of years ago I was given a young Strelitzia reginae (Orange Bird of Paradise) plant for a birthday present. It is slowly growing and I am hoping that it will flower for me in a few years time and look like the one in your photo - providing I can keep it alive that long!
Tom - I think it's been a bit warmer down here in the South.
John - the "Birds of Paradise" are amazing flowers. I've been growing one in a pot (outside) for some time about 2 years, but..... I forgot to get it in the greenhouse before the first frost this year and... (sob) lost it!
Wonderful photos once again.
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