Regular readers may recall that a week ago I was wishing my Grandson (J) a Happy Birthday. Well today, it is the turn of his Mum - my daughter - (SPD), as today is HER birthday so
Happy Birthday Daughter dear! :D
At the weekend SPD and J are moving house and going to be living in one of the small coastal village down in W.Sussex; and they'll be able to see the sea when standing outside their flat. My Mother, Aunt, Brother and nephew already live in the area and now two more members of my family will be joining them. I wonder if there's a message hidden in there somewhere...
We had a good day today. We met up this afternoon and went out for an ice cream - ooooh Loseley Strawberries and Cream variety; this all because I needed some more bird food. We met J from school and then went our separate ways.
Then this evening, we all met up as I was taking us all out for a meal to celebrate birthdays, moving house, starting new job and new school etc. etc.
Within walking distance of SPD's current abode is a good pub/restaurant, with the added bonus that it is literally on the banks of the River Thames overlooking (on the other side of the river) Hampton Court Palace gardens!
The tables outside were all occupied so we kept with our booked table in the restaurant! And on the menu as a starter were Scallops - which I normally find irresistible. But, I forwent those as I knew my appetite wasn't that large in the heat of today.
So - we had:
SPD - Lamb rump cooked pink with sauted potatoes and veg.
J - a very beefy beef burger with pomme frites and veg
Me - Rainbow trout with spicy sauted potatoes and green beans
Whilst we were eating, House Martins were skimming across and dipping down into the river. The restaurant is next to a Skiff and Punting Club and therefore rowers were skudding up and down practising their skills. Over on the far side, a man was propelling a punt along the riverbank - in fact he kept going backwards and forwards - we still don't understand why!
Swifts shrilled overhead and then a mute swan flew upstream.
We ordered pudding and whilst waiting watched Mallards preening on the boardwalk before tucking their heads under their wings.
Pudding arrived: Apple and Strawberry crumble for SPD; Warm Chocolate Brownie with chocolate ice cream for J and for me - Double Chocolate Marquis with double cream and chocolate sauce. (Tomorrow a long walk should be on the agenda)
It was a lovely meal in excellent company and a good way to celebrate a multitude of happenings!!
Thank you SPD and J - and, although you're not going that far, I'm gonna miss you both being "just around the corner"!
And - oh - I do feel full..... think I need to stroll around the garden for a bit....
(Or I could just have a glimpse at house prices in a particular area of West Sussex........; it's a lovely county and I also have a very very good friend who lives in East Sussex................)
12 hours ago
Aaaaa, so the 'curtailing' becomes clearer now lol
First of all, (a bit late now), Happy Birthday to SPD; and a great treat you laid on Tricia. That meal sounded very nice indeed.
A move in the offing?
Happy birthday Shazza. If we ever meet I am going to die horribly for that I know :D
Happy birthday spd! Well you have turned the tables on me tricia that meal sounded wonderful i am now drooling and its only 10am !!! the setting sounded great. Glad you all ahd a good time, good luck to them both with the move xx
Well Mrs R, you need to get yourself off down to West Sussex (permanent). You will certainly increase and broaden your nature/wildlife photo library down there.
I have a super Niece who lives in sunny Eastbourne.
PS> Does "SPD" stand for Speedy Prompt Delivery. {:)
I'm feeling full just at the thought of that meal. scallops and a salad ould've been great for me.
You're going to miss walking with J in the park.
Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes to SPD :D
Keith - the curtailing will be having a house guest until the end of term as well! Moving there - I'd love to but sadly constraints prevent .
Pete - Don't think you need to fear TOO much LOL :D
J - thank you for your good wishes for them. The packing of the first load in the van started yesterday!
Mr. N - Sussex is promising with both WWT and RSPB reserves. My friend is not far from Eastbourne too. The definition of SPD? apt in part! Lol
Yoke - yes I will walking in the park with J
Send my Happy Birthday wishes on to SPD Tricia, have a good weekend!!
Thanks Jayne - will do.
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