At this time of the year, the Stag Beetles start flying around the garden. Many years ago when I moved to this house, the bottom of the garden was lined with Laurel bushes. Now, I detest with a passion, Laurel!!! So I had them taken back to ground level and have, over the years, completed replanted that area.
The stumps of the trees I deliberately left to rot as I know that some wildlife species like rotten wood - particularly beetles. Confirmation that I was in for some as usual this year, evidenced itself as a very large and white beetle grub which I'd encountered when weeding earlier on in the year.
And yesterday the proof was visibly flying about. The said Beetle recovered after a while and "staggered off" (oh the pun!) as only beetles can, with their haphazard flight path off into the twilight.
And of course, not being one to miss a photo opportunity.....

Are they large beetles Tricia? Great pics especially the close up of the mouth parts.
Superb detail in that last shot Tricia.
Think I'll pack the micro lens away now.
Hi Janine - they can grow quite large but mostly they're about 5 cm (2 inches). This one was about that size.
I have seen one in the garden that was about 3.5 inches and it had very long "horns"!
Aw Keith thank you (blush!)
At least it's a wildlife species that stays reasonably still to be photographed - especially after colliding with a large glass door!! Lol
Beautifully detailed close shots Tricia. I haven't seen a Stag Beetle for a few years now. In fact a place where I used to see many different beetles has very few these days. Now I know where they all went. :)
Hi Tricia....absolutely great....they are so rare now.....I believe their are only pockets of them in the South East.....
I Live in hope that one day I may see one...
you might be interested...Friday evening (dusk) I was cleaning the kitchen. I looked out of the window and saw a bird on the grandchildrens climbing frame. I got my bins and low and behold it was a tawny owl watching a mouse in the middle of the lawn. It swooped down, took said mouse, and flew off.....great moment.....
Hi tricia,
This is a very nice set of macro pictures... again a species we do not have here but I've seen them in France when I was young... Well done the pictures are very sharp.
wonderful photos Tricia and I can't believe you have them in your garden, amazing!
I too hate Laurel, it was the first thing to be ripped up when I moved in - no way was I keeping that! Ha.
Thank you John. I didn't realise that I had them ALL! Lol
Cheryl - I wasn't aware they were rare - I'm even more glad, in view of that, I've created a breeding ground for them. And WOW - to have a Tawny Owl in your garden - that's amazing!!!
Is it that:
1. "cleaning the kitchen" is the equivalent of
2. polishing the lamp
i.e. 1 = seeing a Tawnie and 2 = the genie appears?
In which case, I'm off to get my Marigolds on.....
Chris - thanks - they are fascinating creatures.
Liz - I hadn't appreciated how lucky I am until I read yours and other's comments.
Glad someone else feels the same way about Laurel as I do...makes me feel so much better :D
Great shots mum I definately remember we had lots more when I was smaller! Happy solstice by the way glad you were out and about enjoying it!
That is one mean nasty looking character Tricia.
SPD - and a belated happy one to you. I was standing in the garden at 10.00 p.m. and still daylight (well virtually) - I could see the garden so clearly!
Roy - I'm sure it's mother loved it - not that they probably even met though.
This one and the previous post just about shows how well acquainted you are with your camera and your skills are really something to envy Tricia, the shots are simply superb!
Great stuff Tricia, you remind me that I haven't seen any lately, we do normally have them in the garden, I must have a close look in the place I used to see them.
I'm still giggling at 'Staggered Off'.. :O)
Jan - thank you. Hope you find some in your garden; so often they seem to hide from us!
Tom - hoorah! Glad it made you giggle - makes the words worthwhile!
Jayne - thank you kindly. You flatter me too much!
Oh my, and quite big.
OC - yep!! Lol
I'd love to see one in this country. The only Stags I've seen were in Hungary, nice large males too! Nice shots..
Thanks Stewart - I think mine might have been a female from the size of its horns!
I love your blog, and thoroughly enjoyed the commentary. Taking a good look at this beetle makes him look pretty ferocious! (...For a little guy!)
Hi Hannibal - lovely to see you here and thanks for your kind comment - I will pop over to you for a visit.
They do look rather ferocious don't they!
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