And today - up with the lark as it is a very special day in J's life - it's his Birthday so:
(last one before being a TEENAGER!!)
When I was in Bushy yesterday, I came across several Red Deer. The new Mums and their offspring are become a tad more confident now.
This one was being given a wash by Mum and, unlike most youngsters, seemed to enjoy the experience.

Further over in the park, this young Fawn and its Mum were away from the rest of the herd; the Fawn was growing in confidence and did leave its mother's side now and then. I stood for sometime and then sat on the grass - just watching. After a while, the pair became confident that I posed no threat and were happy to carry on with their lives whilst I sat and watched.
As the camera focused, the audible "beep" was heard and the little one raised its head to look. Again, no threat felt or observed so it carried on.

I'd sat for a good time and felt privileged to be trusted by the wild deer who were so relaxed. A really wonderful time spent.
How sweet, just like Bambi ;) Lovely captures.
Happy Birthday to J, the school trip was a nice early present for him, I suspect you will both be tired by tonight, these things have a habit of catching up with you!
Some more wonderful shots on this post and your last one Tricia. A very Happy Birthday wish to young "J" and I hope the trip to France made some memories for "J" to treasure - thank you for sharing the shots
These are some great Deer shots me Dear.
well done with the deer photo's Tricia. Those little ''beep'' noises come in useful sometimes, when you need the subject to look up!
Happy Birthday J!
Cracking shots of the Deer Tricia. Must have been a great feeling being a part of their routine like that.
Hi Tricia,
Beautiful post and I love these deer pictures. They are beautiful and I guess you loved the sighting... Thanks for sharing.
Lovely photos Tricia, the fawns are so beautiful and such a treasure to see!
Happy Birthday to J, I hope he enjoyed his trip!
Lovely pictures:-)
Thanks to all of you for J's birthday wishes - I will pass these on.
Jan - He had a great time on the trip and yes, we were both ready for bed!
Jayne - Thank you and I think J will have happy memories of the day.
Roy - thank you - Lol!
Warren - Thank you and you're right about those little "bleep" noises.
Keith - thank you. It really was a great experience; I've never really looked for the young ones before so this was a new experience too..
Chris - thank you; and yes, it was great to watch them.
Liz - thanks. The fawns soon lose their markings so good to see them at the right time.
Lynmiranda - thank you :)
Happy Birthday J!
Great captures, specially the one looking straight at you.
Really lovely photos of the red deer.
Hi NatureStop - thanks for the birthday wishes. I like that one too - it looks so alert and curious
John - thank you and glad to see you back again.
It must have been a wonderful experience. Love the photos.
Great shots of the dear I shall certainly miss our walks in the park! Seaside walks for us now!Lets explore some new places but I am not sure with your camera and Js camcorder what i shall be doing?
J had a great time in France cant believe it has been this long since he has been around!
Thanks for everything you are FAB!
Great work here, Tricia. You did really well to be able to approach so carfully as to not scare the deer away. I can imagine how excited you must have been when watching the fawns and capturing the memory.
It was indeed OC - just glad it was warm and the ground was dry...
SPD - aw and yes, so will I! But perhaps it's time to add some new places and, sea birds?
Tim- thank you. It was an amazing time. Some of the deer can seem quite tame, but mothers with young babies - now that's completely different. The young are very skittish and alarm easily.
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