I've been fairly heavily occupied these last couple of days helping my daughter prepare for, and, move. And there's more tomorrow! Needless to say, this has left little time for blogging.
However, if there's been anything of interest in the garden over the last couple of days, and the light's been good enough, I've taken a few pics.
I've moved a couple of the feeders out into a less shaded area - it seems to have worked!
This fox is a frequent visitor but wouldn't turn around to pose for the camera
The Ring-necked Parakeets are driving me mad at the moment. It's always the same every June/July when the young are begging for food - at about 5.00 a.m. onwards in the Eucalyptus tree in the garden. Then again, the same things happens from early evening until they go off to roost.
Now - talking of roosts - I've noticed large flocks of them (largest was about 50) flying west over the house; they may be invaders but it's quite a spectacular sight!) This is the direction of Esher Rugby Club where the roost used to be until it broke up in Autumn last year. Many of the Poplar Trees were felled (Health & Safety don't yer know) and the roost disbanded. I shall have to go and have a look at dusk one evening to see if they're back on the remaining trees.
Youngster being fed
Having a preen..
The Grey Squirrel numbers have dropped this year and the most I've had is three. Here's one eyeing out the feeding potential..
And another having a drink
The bird bath is popular and this Magpie had just had a bath before preening up in the Eucalyptus..
In the garden pond, one of the frogs had come up for air. It wasn't until I processed these pictures that I noticed the tiny tiny froglet on the pond lining. It can only have just stopped being a tadpole!
And as I type this in the early evening of Saturday, the thunder clouds have gathered and it's tipping it down.
My daughter is still packing up and loading the van for the last trip of the day - she then has to bring the van back tonight and return southwards!!!!!!! Fortunately she has some help......and the final journey she will be driven rather than having to do the driving! Good luck SPD - thinking of you.
And I'm off back down again to the south coast tomorrow - complete with my Marigolds :)
I'm now going to expire in the heat and humidity.....that's all for the moment folks......
A Special Duck Day - GW Teal
6 hours ago