The frogs have calmed down and there's only about four at a time and they're mostly taking the air rather than....
Not been out for a walk today or to see any birds. Happy to report though that the female Blackcap and the male Brambling are still around in the garden; the Blue Tits are chasing each other about and the two Robins are still happy in their normal area of the garden. Must go and investigate to see if I can spot a nest - most likely it's several gardens away!!
I have a houseguest for a few days - all the way from Adelaide, Australia, who was a surprise guest at my Mum's 90th birthday last Saturday AND, as I type he's in the kitchen cooking the evening meal and a bottle of Merlot (Australian of course) is being consumed too. This is a very strange experience for me - to have someone else using my kitchen and I really must stop trying to "stir" or turn the gas up or down; I don't think it would be appreciated!!
And my guest is starting a cold. This is a shame really but if you come from 47 degrees C to about 13 degrees C I suppose it could be inevitable!
Bon appetite and cheers folks!
This and That
1 day ago