They weren't in their usual spot but around where they had nested.
It became apparent that Dad (on the right) has suffered an injury to his head.
You can see signs of a wound in the picture below.
But after a while, she shrugged them off into the water. They swam about for a considerably longer time than when I saw them a couple of days ago.

I'd suspected the other day, that the two youngsters were considerably different in size and now it's much more apparent. These two were side-by-side when I took this picture, so it's nothing to do with perspective that they look so different.

Dad offered a large fish to the smaller one who had great difficulty in accepting it and dropped it. It was then offered to the larger bird who "gobbled" it down!

Another thing that became very apparent from watching them, was that the larger was acting aggressively to the smaller... on several occasions it stabbed the smaller one in the body or head.. I wouldn't be surprised if the two became one as a result of all this. Time will tell.
Its probably crazy that i feel sad for the smaller Grebe, as I know its nature, but I do! I guess if the bigger bird can get rid if the smaller he will get all his parents attention and food!
Life is tough and survival at this early stage is vitally important for most species. Fingers crossed that the little ones learn to fight back .. quickly. Thanks for the update Tricia.
Lovelly familly and great serie of images ;)
Not an easy life...your photos are remarkable, and so interesting to see. I hope, also, that the little one makes it. Good that it was offered the fish first anyway...sibling rivalry at work!
Beautiful set of pictures Tricia. I love so much when you show us the evolution of this family!! It's great to be able to do that... As for the little one, as said Frank, that's nature and even if we would love both of them to make it as an adult, it is unlikely to happen!
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