The day dawned - in thick mist/fog.. oh great!
Pete was lunching with his Dad so I popped over to Fishers Green and then Hatfiield Forest.. briefly. A few pics from this morning follow BUT... Pete had noted that Hawfinches had been seen near Bramfield Church and, hat not being far away we headed off early afternoon.
Obviously in the right place as about three other birders with binocs and scope were there before us and YES, the HAWFINCH had been seen but flew off about 5 minutes ago! Typical.
However, patience prevailed and finally against a dull grey sky it perched in one of the graveyard trees. Several Greenfinches and Chaffinches about as well and Nutchatches calling.
While all were waiting Pete called a Red Kite... wonderful to see it fly over and not too high up either!
So Waxwings found yesterday and Hawfinch today - both with the added bonus of a Red Kite... hope the birding year continues in the same way :D
Local Update....
2 hours ago
Cracking start Tricia.
I've still never seen a Hawfinch.
I love the two scenic shots with the mist. Very cute squirrel.
Well done on the Hawfinch Tricia - have still never seen one (though once missed one by a minute!!) and Waxwings (still looking for them this winter too!).
Keith - only my 2nd sighting and the first time was in pouring rain!! Be great to see one in sunlight!
OC - the squirrel was one of 5 - they were fighting for the feeders!
Caroline - your time will come for a sighting I'm sure!!
Wow! Hawfinch, now that is special Tricia.
Just now catching up on your posts, Tricia. Can't skip any of your lovely photos! Was that a daffodil bud in your previous post? Amazing that you have them so early. Wishing you a wonderful 2013. cheers, Wilma
Roy - Thanks... very special.
Wilma... thank you and yes, it was a daffodil... things seem to be happening a bit too early this year - it's been quite mild but snow is forecast :(
Happy New Year to you...
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