Yesterday was an almost Spring-like day. Lovely blue sky, bright sun and mild for this time of the year. Just had a local walk across the golf course and over to Marney's Pond, on Weston Green, which is extremely pretty and flanked by All Saints Church and a pub. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me but did manage to get a picture on my mobile phone. More unfortunately I don't have any means of getting this onto my PC!
I have included a picture that can be found on the All Saints Website (link above)

Marney's Pond. At one time there were some 16 ponds in the area, which were mostly let by the lord of the manor for fishing rights, part of the rent being paid in the fish netted. Now only two remain. This one is named from a family who for many years carried on a timber business in the yard opposite. Holly Cottages, in one of which the family lived, were demolished in 1967 after being declared unfit by the local council. The woodyard was quite a sight, with the timber stacked roof high. Mrs. Marney was the last person to exercise the right to graze animals on the nearby common. The site of the woodyard is now the garden to the Alma Arms public house, a late 18th century building, formerly a private house.
Today we headed off for a longer walk in Bushey Park, with the camera. There was a very strange light to the day. Bright, almost sunny, with some cloud. There are many Weeping Willows around the main lake and the bare branches at this time of the yellow had a distinct yellow glow about them.
Ring-necked Parakeets abounded as usual but today, for the first time, I saw one sitting in a hole in an Oak Tree. Parakeets nest in already created holes and breed quite early in the year. Although there were two who stayed close together, they were both female so not breeding yet!
Some pics from today's dog walking.

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