Yesterday I went wandering in Bushy - it was very misty and therefore dull.
I heard and saw about 5 Mistle Thrushes up in the trees again.. there seem to be quite a few around at the moment.
And whilst I was walking toward some Red Deer that were in the (now mostly flattened) bracken, a group of about 5/6 small birds flew up. I watched them flit about for some time, bobbing up and down in the bracken, and eventually they came a little nearer; I managed to get (yet another!) record shot and I believe these are female Stonechats?
(If anyone could confirm/disagree I would be grateful please)
Edit: Thanks to Oscar, Midland Birder and Pete for identifying this as
I rather liked the way the, now weak, sun, lit the branches of the tree. It wasn't until I had the picture on the PC that I noticed the bird in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture.

And in the same area as the Mistle Thrushes and Stonechats (?) were two very active Goldcrests! Woo hoo
(If Brian and Jenny are reading this, it was all happening in the usual spot over by the house with the fence)
After a hearty lunch of lentil and vegetable soup and some warm bread (very nice) in the Pheasantry cafe, I headed off into the Woodland Gardens.
Most of the photo opportunities were provided by the regular Bushy inhabitants!
Wonderful shots. Love the Jackdaws.
The mystery bird is in fact a meadow pipit.
It's been foggy here too Tricia. No good for trying to get pictures lol
Love those Jackdaws, and commentary. Great birds.
Your Stonechat looks veery much like a Reed Bunting; but I could be wrong.
Your mystery bird is a deffinate meadow pipit :)
definite mipit.
streaking goes all the way down the sides. legs are pink.
OC - thank you.... Jackdaws are great characters :)
Keith..... great comedy acts those Jackdaws..
Oscar (is that young Oscar from Barnes??) and Midlands Birder... thank you for the ID...
Pete... thanks again for the confirmation and explanation. I'm delighted to have mipits on my local patch :D
yes it is Tricia
Thanks for that Oscar and good to see you here :)
Brilliant witty comments with the Jackdaw series.
Many thanks for the complement John.... :D
ha ha love the jackdaw commentary.
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