Mute swans, many of them, were flying up and down but this one was content just to snooze!
A Black-headed Gull had a yawn... it was silent with its beak open!!
And then I watched these two male Mallards for about 15 minutes whilst battle royal ensued. One of them had a battle scar at the back of its neck from where its adversary had had its beak clamped tightly!

The sun had been oh so warm and with no wind, you could think it was really a Spring Day. And just as I was walking back, I'm sure I saw something akin to a butterfly fly across in front of me.
A good walk again.
Beautiful shots Tricia. The sun really makes such a difference doesn't it.
Those Mallards look to be really going at it!
lovely shots trish. the sun helps
Thanks Keith... the Mallards were so aggressive... I was fascinated just watching them!
Pete - thanks and - oh yes!! the sun changes the whole day eh!
Wonderful tour with excellent photos. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Sunshine and camera, just the combination you need!
Love the Gull.
Gary - thank you... glad to have you aboard (and give Boom a hug for me please? )
Paul... the sun makes such a difference - and not only to the pictures.. just great to have it and anticipate more to come with the promise of spring!
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