A grey heron managed to look down in the dumps. The weather was changing for the worse and his pose seemed to reflect that.

Watching two Great Crested Grebes I noticed that one of them, on a couple of occasions, stood up in the shallow water and, to all intents and purposes, seemed to be gazing into the water. Never seen this before.

And heard my first Reed Warbler deep in the reeds. It was not far from the nest which posed a question for me.. was it this or last year's nest? It look in far too pristine a condition to have survived the winter, but surely the warblers couldn't have been here long enough to build (what looks to be) a complete nest?

And in the early (ish) morning sun, a common lizard was sunning itself before starting its activites of the day.

Just a quick visit and heard so many Cetti's and Blackcaps that it was frustrating not to gain a glimpse of them. Saw my first Speckled Wood - in fact two of them..
Hopefully more another visit.
Herons always seem to look depressed to me, lol. Love the frogs and the lizard. That's a strange one with the curled lip.
We had a wonderful day at the London Wetlands last Sunday. The biggest excitement was watching a heron (pure concentration, no grumpiness or sulking!) spear a fish! See http://bit.ly/gGDi9v for some great photos - and you can follow the link back to even more in our (Tom's Barn Blog) photo gallery.
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