here is their story.
It was a wonderfully warm and sunny early May day. Spring had sprung gloriously and this had not gone unnoticed by our hero, Percy Persistent and, not so much by our heroine, Fenella Feisty.
It was a wonderfully warm and sunny early May day. Spring had sprung gloriously and this had not gone unnoticed by our hero, Percy Persistent and, not so much by our heroine, Fenella Feisty.
The noise in the pond made by the Marsh frogs generally, announced that something was afoot!
Percy and Fenella met and looked into each other's eyes.
Percy decided that the making of tadpoles was the right thing for this time of year and embarked on the appropriate action to ensure continuity of the frog race.

Whilst Percy decided "she didn't mean this", Fenella demonstrated that "she did mean this" by flipping backwards the tipping Percy into the water!

Undeterred by this rejection, Percy came back..
However, when he leapt out of the water to "make contact" with Fenella, it became apparent that his sense of direction was somewhat amiss as.... he missed!

"Forget that" Fenella thought as she flipped backwards, shooting poor Percy back into the pond while she herself, ended up on her back with the effort of shooing off her would-be suitor.

After recovering from the frenzy of the last few minutes, Percy living up to the Persistent in his name, decided it was still worth another try!

But, despite his very gentle approach, the lady said no - again!! (whilst muttering, through clenched teeth... "which part of the word no, do you not understand"? and, again threw him to one side.

and finally, our Hero Percy, who was persistence personified, had to finally admit defeat as Fenella had , yet again, made it abundantly clear that this "was not the right time".
The decided to part, without injury (except perhaps to Percy's pride) and swam away in opposite directions with Percy looking somewhat despondent and Fenella?... was that a triumphant look in her eye?
Thank you Percy and Fenella for giving us such entertainment.
At the end of which time, quite a large crowd of the human kind had gathered to watch and laugh at their antics. :D We'd been entertained for about 20 minutes by the loving couple.
Oh I do love Spring :D
I enjoyed the humourous pictorial adventures of Percy and Fenella, who it seems, carry on much like those in the human world. Luckily, frogs don't gather to watch! ;)
ahahaahaha, fabulous!
What a great series and story line. Really enjoyed this. We have lots of frogs but they breed at night mostly.
A frustrating time for Percy, shouldn't this be "X" rated. {:)
Cracking series of images! No sign of any frogs in our pond yet this year.
This post should win an award. Superb!
Truly a great story.
Percy&Fenella deserve an Oscar!
Very funny Tricia, & great photo's.
A humorous and delightful encounter Tricia. Lovely photos of a frog we don't have in this area.
My apologies for being late in replying again.. sorry
Glo lol - yes, I'm glad we're not surrounded by frogs at certain times.
OC... thank you - just wish you could have seen them too :)
Randy - these always seem very active during the day. The common frogs in my garden pond breed at night or very early in the morning
Roy - X rated? I think it'll get past the censor without too many problems.
Paul (LBJ) - perhaps your frogs will visit soon... but time is getting on for them..
ST.. thank you so much - glad you enjoyed the post :D
Paul - I shall tell Percy & Fenny to await the nomination :D
Jan - thank you... I didn't realise Marsh frogs were localised. I must find out more about them.
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